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@thheller is possible there would be a bug somewhere in module separation for the :chrome-extension target ?


some of my namespaces are suddenly missing, even after cleanup and restart


namespaces which are shared between different parts of the extension


is this even a shadow-cljs concern or rather a clojurescript one ?


or even closure =/


and is it posssible to deactivate modularisation on the :chrome-extension target ?


aahhaa ! looks like the extension needed to be reloaded from the manage extension page in chrome


sorry for the noise

Jacob Haag13:05:05

Hey there, so I am using Cursive for development and have been trying to integrate it with shadow-cljs. I have followed the instructions to connect to the nrepl port via a remote repl. I am able to do this succesfully, however when the repl is spun up and I try to run js/alert I get an error. Any ideas?

Jacob Haag13:05:14

I am trying to connect to the :app build


@carkh yeah adding/removing namespaces currently requires reloading the extension since the manifest changes

✔️ 4

@jacobhaag17 the REPL always starts out in CLJ mode so you need to switch it to CLJS first. You do that by calling (shadow/repl :app)

parrot 4
Jacob Haag13:05:18

Also I'd just like to applaud you on being so responsive 👏

👍 4

Which editor currently gives the “best” shadow-cljs experience? I’m reasonably happy with VSCode/Calva so far, but haven’t really tried others.


@U9MJTSS9K if you want, I'm developing Chlorine, an Atom package that works with Socket-REPL and aims to be shadow-cljs friendly. (It needs to be, because I'm developing the plug-in in Shadow-CLJS and debugging it with itself 🙂)


Ah, there were two Stefans with different capitalizations 🙂


@U3Y18N0UC sounds good I’ll check it out! (And thanks other @U9MJTSS9K 😉)


I’m pretty happy with my spacemacs + cider setup


Spacemacs, that’s new to me. Earlier this week I heard Stuart Halloway say in one of his talks: > Asking somebody to use Emacs is, like, “did you just ask me to go f*ck myself?!” Does that also apply to Spacemacs? 😉


I think that Spacemacs is one of the most friendly ways to get started with Emacs (I use it everyday, and it finally got me over the line after trying Emacs twice before)


but it still has a learning curve


I know that thheller uses IntelliJ + Cursive. IMO that has the most "IDE friendly" experience


Right I was a bit put off by this: > Cursive does not currently support resolving dependencies via shadow-cljs.edn. You can run shadow-cljs pom to generate a pom.xml and import that using the IntelliJ.


That's not as bad as it sounds. Yes, if you change your deps you have to run shadow-cljs pom manually, but that's it. The re-import will happen automatically.


+1 for Spacemacs. It used to be a very steep learning curve, but there are loads of videos on youtube these days that will get you started. I used to be a vim user and I switched to Spacemacs about 2 years ago. I've used Spacemacs at work for Go, Python, JS, Haskell and I use it for all of my Clojure projects. It's an extremely productive tool


I’m installing Spacemacs. I’m already learning about 25 new things at the same time in this space, might as well add that too 😉


my $.02 - if you're not already a Lisper I strongly recommend trying parinfer regardless of which editor you settle on. (I know "paredit" also exists but I thought the parinfer concept looked better). As a 20-year non-lisp Java veteran, the whole worry about getting your parens nested properly has been a complete non-issue. Parinfer is just terriffic, I think it's actually been one of the most helpful things to understanding Lisp/Clojure.


@chepprey I hear you. This week I listened to a podcast with Shaun Lebron about this. Especially “smart mode” sounds cool, but it seems that isn’t supported in many editors yet.


Ya, I use Emacs and I don't think smartmode is there yet. Even so, parinfer (in indent mode) just feels like magic, you simply indent your code where you know the logical nestings need to be, and the parens just go in there by magic. It's like you get to "think the code" more directly, and the paren details just appear automatically. Mind blowing.