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@royalaid hey, that blog post is right up my alley! sounds like shadow-cljs is the way to go! However, my big ish right now is getting a repl running in Cursive with a deps.edn based project. The wiki seems to assume I'm either a) not using nREPL or b) am using Leiningen Any tips?
I'm basically blocked on
No application has connected to the REPL server. Make sure your JS environment has loaded your compiled ClojureScript code
ran shadow-cljs node-repl dev with build config
{:dev {:target :node-script
:nrepl {:init-ns ginandtomic.core}
:output-to "main.js"
:asset-path "/js"
:main ginandtomic.core/main}}
output some locations to connect, connected on nrepl port, ran
(require '[shadow.cljs.devtools.api :as shadow])
(shadow/watch :dev)
(shadow/nrepl-select :dev)
seems to believe everything is fine, outputting:
To quit, type: :cljs/quit
=> [:selected :dev]
and yet, when I try to evaluate any cljs, it throws
No application has connected to the REPL server. Make sure your JS environment has loaded your compiled ClojureScript code
@idiomancy , I am not familiar with the node-script target, but that nrepl connection needs an application to connect to, that has an entry point in your code. Not sure how you do that with node-script or if the build repl will work. But you might have some use of the node-repl: (shadow/node-repl)