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Alex H13:04:47

@thheller, I'm really struggling with advanced optimisation of JS-on-classpath (which in turn imports other libs); it starts renaming attributes like crazy, breaking all sorts of things, because I think the JS-on-classpath itself gets optimised separately from its imports

Alex H13:04:24

@thheller,is there some way of making that work? would it work any differently if my JS-on-classpath was a separate node module instead packaged up with rollup or so?


@alex340 js on the classpath is optimized. so you'd need to write externs for JS interop since they can't be inferred by the CLJS compiler.


you can try tunning shadow-cljs check your-build


although that will likely create a lot of warnings

Alex H13:04:44

yea, I guessed as much, but there's a metric ton of externs that get messed up

Alex H13:04:03

my JS-on-classpath is effectively a wrapper around slate (the editor thing), which in turn brings in immutablejs

Alex H13:04:26

and none of that has a good way of defining externs for, not with ES6 modules anyway?


I want to add an option so the classpath-js gets treated like npm js


meaning that it doesn't go through :advanced


that would probably fix everything

Alex H13:04:15

but it'd still go through :advanced at the time the final bundle gets created?

Alex H13:04:20

either way, yes, that'd be awesome


but really give check a shot


writing externs is extremely simple with shadow


I'll walk you through it if you want


just run it once and tell me how many warnings you get

Alex H13:04:20

yep, on it


if its more than say 100 its probably not worth it


but shouldn't be that much usually

Alex H13:04:18

36 + 20 warnings (starts counting twice)

Alex H13:04:39

let me paste it somewhere


what is the exact wording again? something about propery not defined

Alex H13:04:56

File: /home/alex/code/dlt/src/gen/slate-code.js:99:19 Property endBlock never defined on _change$value

Alex H13:04:00

for example


what is your build id?


create a externs/<your-build-id>.txt and the you add one word per line



Alex H13:04:36

really? that simple?


for every Property ... never defined


and do yourself a favor while doing this: run shadow-cljs server separately

Alex H13:04:41

out of curiosity - should I do that for the ones coming from clojure bits & pieces as well?


then run shadow-cljs check until the warnings are gone 😉

Alex H13:04:56

e.g. in that output re.unicode, instaparse.core


but yes you can also just put those into the .txt file

Alex H13:04:44

yea, I did that


doesn't really matter

Alex H14:04:02

I have :infer-externs :auto

Alex H14:04:56

midly weird some of those, like "getItem never defined on ShadowJS"


ShadowJS is the "type" assigned to anything returned by require


Property core never defined on instaparse


this is weird though? isn't that a cljs namespace?

Alex H14:04:49

yea, my bad, I think. was just trying to optimize things out manually, and I think defparser (the macro) actually needs instaparse.core ns


yes probably

Alex H14:04:30

didn't realize the externs problem was so simple. spent a few hours last week messing up with weird jsdoc strings to tell closure about types


well its only this simple in shadow-cljs 😉


everywhere else its a nightmare

Alex H14:04:34

btw, thanks for that bundle size thing you pointed me at - very useful

Alex H14:04:49

a question about those Cannot infer target type in expression - from what I read in the shadow-cljs doc the other day, you can effectively get rid of them by marking them with ^js metadata - however, is that really required when the whole thing ends up going through closure?

Alex H14:04:15

for example, it complains about some like getToken, which are provided by the google closure library, which presumably will get mangled the same way, so should just work?

Alex H14:04:27

(even without the ^js metadata on it)


isn't this mentioned in the docs? you can tag it with ^goog or ^clj to make the warnings go away

Alex H14:04:22

don't see any mention of ^goog, but now that you mention it, I do see ^clj


^goog is for stuff from the closure lib


in rare circumstance if could become a problem if you tag something not-cljs with ^clj

Alex H14:04:04

is there some way of waiving warnings from cljs dependencies?

Alex H14:04:25

I think it's all clean now, apart from some noise coming in from reagent, instaparse, goog/base and cljs internals


whats left?


variable Java is undeclared


for this you can add global:Java to the .txt file


forgot that I need to add that


hmm yeah can't make those go away

Alex H14:04:21

one less with that global:Java, but yea, still those 12 there


did it work?

Alex H14:04:21

about to try

🤞 4
Alex H14:04:00

most of it does, but the slate-based editor doesn't really work, somehow

Alex H14:04:07

doesn't show any errors on the console either, though

Alex H14:04:26

some rendering issue, the editing itself worked fine


you can try shadow-cljs release app --debug but I doubt that would change anything


might make it easier to debug though

Alex H14:04:22

does this preserve console.log messages?

Alex H14:04:33

for some quick & dirty debug


they are not removed yes

Alex H14:04:27

interesting. it is some mangling gone wrong

Alex H14:04:39

even though there is no warning about it, adding renderMark to the externs list fixes it

Alex H14:04:07

(renderMark is a prop to slate's react editor component, and the function I was passing in for that prop was not getting called)

Alex H15:04:47

yea, doing a diff of the builds with/without that shows that there's two props getting messed up for some reason - renderMark and decorateNode

Alex H15:04:52

mangled, that is

Alex H15:04:53

no idea why

Alex H15:04:47

I've added a comment to that gist to show the original code around that area


hmm yeah all this stuff is not 100% accurate unfortunately


good enough for most things but sometimes things seem to get lost

Alex H15:04:51

is there any reason why most props would map fine, but some would get mangled like that?

Alex H15:04:59

they are pretty symmetric as far as I can tell


not sure. any difference in the JS?


maybe just something the closure compiler doesn't correctly check yet?

Alex H15:04:10

not that I can tell - I have pasted the JS going into it in a comment on that gist

Alex H15:04:05

renderNode, renderMark and decorateNode look pretty similar, yet the latter two get mangled but the first one is ok (and so are all other props on that thing)


hmm looks like it might be related to the name being identical to the value maybe? renderMark: renderMark,


maybe the closure compiler gets confused by that

Alex H15:04:27



decorateNode: function decorateNodeFoo() {


try this. if that fixes the decorateNode issue we can probably try to create a minimal repro and report to the closure compiler


dunno where renderMark is coming from but if you can change the name for that var as well try that too

Alex H15:04:08

nah, same thing

Alex H15:04:31

I renamed both decorateNode and renderMark to decorate and renderMarkFoo respectively

Alex H15:04:33

same renaming it to something else entirely (abcd)


what does the generated js look like


should be in .shadow-cljs/builds/<your-id>/dev/closure-js


ah crap nevermind. thats a transit file

Alex H15:04:21

renderNode:renderNode$$module$gen$editor(_this.props.readOnly), renderMark:renderMarkFoo$$module$gen$editor, decorateNode:function decorate() {\n return undefined;\n }, value:_this.props.value,

Alex H15:04:33

looks healthy, in other words


but adding those to externs fixes it?

Alex H15:04:04

yep, I'll use that as a workaround

Alex H15:04:12

makes me feel slightly uneasy, but good enough for now


yeah I have no idea why closure wouldn't mention those in check

Alex H15:04:14

no worries, I have taken up enough of your time!

Alex H15:04:32

seems to work well apart from this quirk


i just cannot get my vim-fireplace to work, and I have no idea where to look next. 1) start a shadow server 2) from inside a .clj buffer connect via :Connect <nrepl://localhost:port> 3) I can now use :Eval (+ 1 2) and get 3 (yay the connection to nrepl works) 4) cannot use :Eval from inside a .cljs buffer (always spits out Fireplace: class clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException) 5) from a .clj buffer run shadow...api/watch :app — get back :watching — success! 6) connect to the js environment by opening a browser 7) still no Eval in a .cljs buffer 8 ) from a clj buffer run shadow...api/nrepl-select :app — get back [:selected :app] — success! 9 ) from a clj buffer :Eval (js/alert) yay it works 10 ) still nothing works from a .cljs buffer


the reason i’m asking here is because fireplace works with lein’s nrepl, and I can eval from a .cljs buffer, but i just can’t figure out the differences between repls


wasn't there something like :Piggieback or so?


i’m not sure where piggieback fits in — my understanding was nrepl-select :id was going to already put me in a cljs environment?


so after step 5 you run :Piggieback :app?


it puts you into a CLJS environment on the server yes but the client might also need to update something


:Piggieback [{env}]     Create a new nREPL session and invoke
                        cemerick.piggieback/cljs-repl with the given or
                        default (Rhino) environment.  This will also happen
                        automatically on first eval in a ClojureScript buffer
                        if not invoked explicitly. If {env} is a number, the
                        piggieback repl-env will will use a cljs.repl.browser
                        (rather than a Rhino) env with the port set to the
                        number provided.


no clue really. might need to ask somebody that knows vim


what happens when you run :Piggieback :app?


everything works like magic. 💕


thanks again my man. do you have a patreon (or equiv) setup for shadow-cljs by the way?


kind of. I set it up but didn't tell anyone because I'm not really sure I want/how to do this.


that was like 2 months ago and didn't touch it since then 😛


a few days ago you mentioned that you do or dont have plans to allow running a shadow clj(s)-repl with an alternative default namespace (like how cli-tools’ clj automatically picks up the user ns? I can’t remember which.


I do have plans and a partial implementation


the reason I ask is I basically just want access to the 3 spec generator namespaces required to do generative testing in a repl - test.check.generators, spec.alpha, spec.gen.alpha


I still think it would be way better if the client did this though


isn’t the “client” the process invoking shadow-cljs clj-repl (assuming you already have a server running in the background)?


oh I thought you meant to nrepl


for clj-repl that would be easier to add yes


I get one and just one warning: Use of undeclared Var clojure.string/join. Some libary is using clojure/string. I'm not but thats ok. However the hot reloader gives the compiler warning every time I make a change and messes up the hot loader. I tried to add :warnings false in the compiler-options but still get the warning after compilations. How to turn compiler warnings off?


@larshelg it should only warn once for code that lives in jars by default. if the warning is in a file on your classpath you'll need to fix it.


I see. I will take a look. So there is no way to simply turn warnings off? If not permanently just for hot reload?


not currently no.


Warning is this: File: rewrite_clj/parser/string.cljs:39:16


I think strangely its from a jar


Actually there is two, this is the second one: File: zprint/spec.cljc:379:14


try shadow-cljs clj-repl and then ( "rewrite_clj/parser/string.cljs")


if its in a jar open a bug report on github please


Will do, thanks for the input 🙂


(should give you something like jar:... or file:.. urls


jepp this: #object[ 0x29a2b3d7 "jar:file:/Users/larsstrand/.m2/repository/rewrite-cljs/rewrite-cljs/0.4.4/rewrite-cljs-0.4.4.jar!/rewrite_clj/parser/string.cljs"]


and the warning does not go away one the SECOND compile?


hmm ok thats definitely a bug then


everything is working so smooth with my setup, using reframe and semantic-ui-react


but this two warnings messes up my hot reload flow


you can fix it


i just have to do full refresh of my app every time


if you take the file out of the jar. put it in your classpath. and fix the warning 😉


hehe, i'll try


hmm do you know the github repo for this?


you can just take that file and add a [clojure.string] to the requires


yeah you can see its not imported/required


so its a bug


so since i'm doing this, whats the easiest way to add it to the classpath?


just copy the file


or make a rewrite_clj folder in my src?


and put it there...


yes create a src/rewrite_clj/parser/string.cljs in your project