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is there a babashka script or something to update the latest "installed scittle" in HTML files? Scittle makes it super easy to make small standalone HTML files that have some lines like

<script src="" type="application/javascript"></script>
    <script crossorigin src=""></script>
    <script crossorigin src=""></script>
    <script src="" type="application/javascript"></script>
... and just work. But being able to update dependencies without lots of manual work is also nice!


Maybe use a Selmer template or something? ;)


perhaps jsdeliver also supports @latest or so

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ray09:08:49 gives back the latest so no version required :-)


I'm currently checking in the HTML verbatim, and really like not having a build step ( Latest does indeed work!


is clojure.pprint not included with scittle? I was hoping I could display some data quickly with

   (pprint data))]


Feel free to post an issue. cljs.pprint is pretty big when compiled, this is why it's not included by default, but we can make it a separate module

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There is a SCI config in nbb for it. We could move that to sci.configs and then share it between nbb and scittle. PRs welcome!

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