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Afternoon. Does anyone know why a defrecord fails when implementing a protocol from another ns but not when one implementing one from its own ns?

$ nbb -v
nbb v1.2.179

$ nbb -e '(ns storage) (defprotocol IStorage (-store [_ foo])) (ns user [:require [storage]]) (defrecord Storage [] storage/IStorage (-store [_ foo] (prn :foo foo))) (-store (->Storage) :hoo)'
----- Error --------------------------------------
Message:  Could not resolve symbol: -store
Location: 1:157
Phase:    analysis

----- Stack trace --------------------------------
user - <expr>:1:157

Could not resolve symbol: -store

 $ nbb -e '(defprotocol IStorage (-store [_ foo])) (defrecord Storage [] IStorage (-store [_ foo] (prn :foo foo))) (-store (->Storage) :hoo)'
:foo :hoo
Asking about this because I’m trying to run through nbb’s sci and it also fails to resolve the protocol’s method name


The issue is not the protocol extension, but your call at the end, this should be:

(storage/-store (->Storage) :hoo)


protocol functions/vars aren't automatically referred or so


Ah yep. Thanks. My mistake in trying to make the smallest repro. The original bug I’m seeing isn’t able to load the defprotocol:

bb test                                                                                   [16:34:51]
Running datascript tests...
----- Error --------------------------------------
Message:  Could not resolve symbol: -store
Location: /Users/me/code/work/nbb-features/test/libraries/datascript/test/datascript/test/storage.cljs:11:1
Phase:    analysis

----- Context ------------------------------------
7:    [datascript.core :as d]
8:    [ :as storage]
9:    #_[datascript.test.core :as tdc]))
11: (defrecord Storage [*disk *reads *writes *deletes]
    ^--- Could not resolve symbol: -store
12:   storage/IStorage
13:   (-store [_ addr+data-seq]
14:     (doseq [[addr data] addr+data-seq]
15:       (vswap! *disk assoc addr (pr-str data))
16:       (vswap! *writes conj addr)))
Could not resolve symbol: -store
Error while executing task: test
This is in the context of running datascript tests through a custom nbb in nbb-features


maybe you can make another repro?


Sure. I’ll open up a sci issue with full repro. I thought I’d sanity check ask before doing so but it sounds like this should work


ok make a tiny repro that works 100% in CLJ(s) and not in SCI and I'll have a look tomorrow


Sure. Thanks