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Jakub Holý (HolyJak)07:09:46

I see SCI has support for Reagent. I would like to know whether I could make #C68M60S4F similarly compatible with SCI. What would it take & how to approach it? 🙏


The configuration has mostly to do with macros and dynamic vars. Here is the configuration for reagent: Feel free to contribute one for fulcro or let me know if you have other questions

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)08:09:10

I saw the config but did not really understand it 😅 Is there some guide for doing this? In particular, how do I find out what is it SCI needs help with? How can I test what works/doesn’t work? I am sorry, I am completely new to SCI …

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)08:09:53

I guess I could

(require '[sci.core :as sci])
(sci/eval-string "<some fulcro code>")
and see what breaks? I guess I’d start with sci/create-ns & friends to expose Fulcro code to SCI.

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)08:09:57

I think I am starting to understand. I will get back here when I run into troubles.


Are you doing this for CLJS or JVM Clojure?


right, I recommend creating a context first with (sci/init ..) and then use (sci/eval-string ctx "...")

👍 1

the challenge is mostly macros, which aren't available in cljs so you have to port them to normal functions and add ^:sci/macro metadata on those


@U050RLRRQ actually has a macro somewhere that allows you to define a macro for both JVM Clojure, CLJS and SCI

😻 2

but this requires you to make code changes to fulcro itself


so copying the macros, changing them to regular functions and then adding ^:sci/macro metadata to it will work

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)11:09:18

Q: Is it possible to find out the name of the current namespace in a sci macro? When I look it &env it is just {} and thus there is no (:ns &env) . Similarly, *ns* is nil.


in JVM Clojure, &env doesn't contain the current namespace, macros in SCI work similar to JVM Clojure


whether *ns* is bound or not, depends on when the macro is invoked


let me try an example in SCI


ah you probably want to inspect sci.core/ns using (deref sci.core/ns)


you can call str on the result


and then symbol, to get the namespace's symbol


SCI does not affect the host system's *ns* - in general, it doesn't mutate the host environment


A demo:

cljs.user=> (defn ^:sci/macro foo [_ _] [(str (deref sci.core/ns)) `(str *ns*)])
cljs.user=> (def ctx (sci/init {:namespaces {'foo {'foo (sci/copy-var cljs.user/foo (sci/create-ns 'foo))}}}))
cljs.user=> (sci


The foo macro both derefs the current SCI namespace at "expansion" time and at "runtime" (the last bit is evaluated after expansion)


whoops, copy/paste wasn't complete:

cljs.user=> (sci/eval-string* ctx "(foo/foo)")
["user" "user"]

👍 1

ah here was the macro to define macros for both regular clojure and SCI at the same time:

👀 1
Jakub Holý (HolyJak)11:09:54

Nice! Though ☝️ wouldn’t help me, since I need to use sci.core/ns instead of (:ns &env) / *ns*

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)15:09:45

What’s the best practice for writing custom SCI configs like ? I am rewriting a rather involved (or rather the fn it delegates to), which calls bunch of fns etc. Prefixing all the calls with the original ns seems as unnecessary work, if I could simply do

(ns com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components) 
(defn defsc*-for-sci [..] ...)
inside the custom settings ns. WDYT?

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)15:09:14

Damn, it doesn’t work in cljs 😭


You could use refer perhaps

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)15:09:24

Hm, this is turning into a nightmare. Fulcro is using plenty of #?(:clj ...) code used by its central macro, meaning that I’d need to rewrite all of it if I wanted to be able to run in SCI 😭


Yep. Perhaps the sci-macro macro could help though

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)15:09:11

I will look into it. Though most of these are functions (called from a macro). But at least a similar approach should be possible…

Sam Ritchie15:09:54

@borkdude Q about SCI 0.7.39 - SCI on cljs seems to not respect unquotes?

Sam Ritchie15:09:13

this is running in Clerk, via their editor example


can't reproduce:

cljs.user=> (sci/eval-string "(let [x 10] `(+ ~x ~x))")
(clojure.core/+ 10 10)


it might be that they are parsing on their own using edamame and haven't enabled :syntax-quote


or some other issue, it seems rewrite-clj is part of the mix too, I'd just submit a clerk issue


perhaps you can intercept the string that is being evaluated by the editor to see what goes in


and then print it to the console


see you at STL btw!


I see you mentioned 2.maria in your emmy announcement, has this had a proper announcement itself once? I wondered about its progress :)

Sam Ritchie16:09:46

haha I don’t think it has, I am leaking it 🙂

Sam Ritchie16:09:01

I bet you’re right that it’s an edamame thing

Sam Ritchie16:09:03

I love these little executable gists


I pass :all true to edamame, that should include :syntax-quote, correct?


I suspect the issue might be elsewhere, please just intercept the string that gets fed into sci/eval-string first, to determine if this is not a rewrite-clj issue which I see is also used


ah you are first parsing stuff with edamame and then eval it in SCI?


anyway, I'm not clear on what happens and short on time (packing bags). perhaps you can make smaller repros and I'll have a look again

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)15:09:45

What’s the best practice for writing custom SCI configs like ? I am rewriting a rather involved (or rather the fn it delegates to), which calls bunch of fns etc. Prefixing all the calls with the original ns seems as unnecessary work, if I could simply do

(ns com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components) 
(defn defsc*-for-sci [..] ...)
inside the custom settings ns. WDYT?