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I've been playing around with a data-driven approach to static sites lately. Write Hiccup in EDN, then make HTML out of it. I needed some kind of templating, so I figured, why not just pipe the EDN through SCI. So far, I'm really liking it! This EDN:

^{:teod.subcons/filewriter :teod.subcons.filewriter/hiccup-html
  :teod.subcons/transformers [teod.subcons.sci/eval]}
(let [title "A data-driven approach to static sites"]
  [:html [:head [:title title]
          [:body [:main [:section
                         [:h1 {:style "color: #252525"} title]
                         [:p "Hello, world! 1+1 is " (+ 1 1) "!"]]]]]])
Turns into this HTML:

    <title>A data-driven approach to static sites</title>
          <h1 style="color: #252525">A data-driven approach to static sites</h1>
          <p>Hello, world! 1+1 is 2!</p>
I figure providing a SCI environment with some default functions could be a nice extension point. Slightly larger example:

🎉 3