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I came across a possible issue with the :postprocess option regarding metadata. Not sure if this is a :postprocess thing is deeper in edamame. I have the following parser:

(defn my-parser [s]
    (e/parse-string s {:postprocess
                       (fn [{:keys [obj]}]
                         (if (keyword? obj)
                           {:value obj}
All I'm doing is wrapping the obj in a map if it is a keyword. But the follow clauses are returning different results now:
(defn variable-meta [ast]
    (-> ast second meta))

  (-> "(def ^:dynamic some-var 1)"
  ;; => {:value :dynamic}

  (-> "(def ^{:dynamic true} some-var 1)"
  ;; => {{:value :dynamic} true}
All I'm doing is defining some-var and getting the metadata out of it. Attaching the metadata in a different way. But ^:dynamic should be a shorthand for ^{:dynamic true}. So I would expect both clauses to return the same. (n this scenario, I'd expect both to return the last clause
{{:value :dynamic} true}


This is an issue for me because I'm wrapping non IMeta objects in a record. I didn't except ^:dynamic to be part of this process. I can work around this but I find it strange that these two clauses return different results