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why ring-jetty-adapter doesn't support jetty 12 yet?


Jetty 12 has substantial changes from Jetty 11 -- Substantial enough that we had to back off trying to use it (via the sunng87 adapter) because observability via New Relic is terrible. The sunng87 adapter has to maintain two separate branches: one for Jetty 11 and one for Jetty 12.


Jetty 12 also requires Java 17, while Jetty 11 requires Java 11. Ring is deliberately conservative in its approach, aiming for maximum compatibility. This is why we stuck with Jetty 9.2 for so long; because it only required Java 1.7. When Jetty 9.2 was deprecated, we moved up to Jetty 11, skipping Jetty 10 as the requirements were the same.

👍 1

I've also just fit some issues with Java 21 and sunng87 adapter. Trying to fix the dependecies (but woudl like to avoid). What is the current path forward for Java 21 and ring ?


We use Ring with Jetty 11 on jdk 21. We switched back from the sunng87 adapter when Ring updated to Jetty 11.


Jetty 12 is problematic but JDK 21 is fine.


And, for us, virtual threads are off the table until the MySQL JDBC driver becomes compatible with them (it relies on synchronized far too much).


thanks for sharing @U04V70XH6


I filed an issue (see bellow) since I can't do the quickstart using ring-jetty-adapter and ring 1.12.1