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We're planning out Pedestal 0.7, and it's currently gated on Ring 1.11; do you have a rough idea of when Ring 1.11 will be available?


My plan is to release before the end of the year. Likely November or early December. I'm currently submitting PRs to third party Ring adapters in order to support the websocket API. This gives an opportunity for feedback, and allows me to see how the API works in practice with a variety of different libraries. I was also planning on checking in with you folks about Pedestal. I'm unsure if the websocket API is relevant or not to Pedestal, but if it is I'd like to get some feedback.


Oh, it's relevant! Previously, it was supported only for Jetty, but we're moving the definition of websockets up a level so that it's something other containers can be expected to support, and I'm working on proper documentation (I'm actually reworking all the Pedestal documentation, and moving it to Antora).


So we may end up relying on a beta version when that's available since we're hoping for a faster release cadence, and we're eager to get to Jetty 11 (for NuBank, and for the larger community) as Jetty 9 is near EOL.