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I’m getting errors using compojure-api and therefore ring-swagger with spec coercion enabled - the exception says that there is no spec defined for a keyword ‘Unable to resolve spec’ - however I am simply checking for the presence of a keyword in the response map. Any ideas?
@stathissideris we have multiple projects on reitit (and c-api), but nothing big in prod yet - the oldest projects have started last year, haven’t had any rough corners in a while. The routing core is quite stable and proven, ring-side has still some moving parts, and it’s not on par with c-api on all the features. I would say it’s alpha, but so is everything nowadays 😉
for the muuntaja:
(GET "foo" []
:produces ["application/json"]
:summary "foobar"
:return (s/get-spec ::foo)
(s/def ::foo (s/keys [::bar]))
my understanding is that if a spec is not defined then simply the presence of the key/value is asserted
the code to walk over the specs is here:
That should be changed so that if the key is not defined, return nil
and handle that gracefully.
I think I found a bug in spec-tools or in compojure-api using it... Not sure though what is causing it currently
It's a weird one. Everything was working fine until I added nil as a possible value to one of the spec definitions via (s/or ....)
. After that I get:
my-appl.api/fn api.clj: 94
compojure.api.coercion/coerce-request! coercion.clj: 45
compojure.api.coercion.spec.SpecCoercion/coerce-request spec.clj: 125
clojure.spec.alpha/unform alpha.clj: 157
spec-tools.core.Spec/unform* core.cljc: 233
clojure.spec.alpha/unform alpha.clj: 157
clojure.spec.alpha/regex-spec-impl/reify/unform* alpha.clj: 1658
clojure.spec.alpha/op-unform alpha.clj: 1449
clojure.core/mapcat core.clj: 2775 (repeats 2 times)
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 652
clojure.core/seq core.clj: 137
clojure.core/map/fn core.clj: 2745
clojure.spec.alpha/op-unform/fn alpha.clj: 1449
clojure.spec.alpha/op-unform alpha.clj: 1446
clojure.spec.alpha/unform alpha.clj: 157
clojure.spec.alpha/map-spec-impl/reify/unform* alpha.clj: 808
clojure.spec.alpha/unform alpha.clj: 157
spec-tools.core.Spec/unform* core.cljc: 233
clojure.spec.alpha/unform alpha.clj: 157
clojure.spec.alpha/every-impl/reify/unform* alpha.clj: 1274
clojure.spec.alpha/tuple-impl/reify/unform* alpha.clj: 976
clojure.spec.alpha/unform alpha.clj: 157
spec-tools.core.Spec/unform* core.cljc: 233
clojure.spec.alpha/unform alpha.clj: 157
clojure.spec.alpha/or-spec-impl/reify/unform* alpha.clj: 1046
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: nth not supported on this type: Keyword
if I remove the compojure-api form the picture and try to validate the input data against the same schema definitions via (s/explain ...)
it doesn't break like that but it does report bunch of problems which are due to the fact that coercions have not been ran
btw, go vote up to get the native coercion into clojure.spec. there is also CLJ-2116 but “not likely to be accepted”
hmm.. it seems that c-api is not using the st/decode
yet, but instead.
calling conform
doesn't break it either, let me replicate that logic and see if I get to duplicate the problem
if you copy-paste the code i highlighted and run it locally with the data, does it blow up?
but let me try if s/nilable
would allow me to go past this problem at this point, that being said this bug should be duplicated with a minimal reproduction case
this is way too complex as it is now to work as an example case plus I cannot put this anywhere publicly
anyway, I'll try to reproduce this later with a more simple example. Thanks for the ideas which allowed me to bypass this problem this time
actually, this is the wrong question. I want to add a new format that is simply ignored by muuntaja
@bja just for somr routes? Sadly no. The middleware are applied in place, so you would need to disable it at api and re-mount the mw for some routez
basically, I want to mount an application/csv that just slurps the request body (or passes it through), but I'd still like muuntaja to handle the response negotiation via Accept
I thought (assoc-in muuntaja/default-options [:formats "application/csv"] {:decoder [slurp]}
was close
worse, I feel like I figured this out with my old codebase (such that it was documented properly in csv), but I don't have access to said codebase anymore
oh, found it here:
looking at the OpenAPI spec, it's not immediately obvious that this is supported for the body, although it seems to be an opt for individual parameters