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oyakushev19:05:05 1.2.0-beta1 ships a fix for the dreaded inability to interrupt evaluation on Java 20+. If you use tooling that utilizes nREPL under the hood, please, help us test this version and bring it closer to the release!

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clojure-spin 2
Ludger Solbach20:05:16 v0.18.0: Overarch provides a data model for the holistic description of a software system, opening multiple use cases on the model data. Supports C4 and UML diagram generation with PlantUML Fixes and enhancements for selection based views in combination with refs in the model. • enhanced dependent-node functions to handle model references • added default directions for some architecture relations in plantuml c4 diagrams • added selection criteria • fixed id->parent mapping for refs

🎉 1