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I was wanting to check the expected params for the reitit-ring/router function and I see in the relevant that it refers to the reitit.core/router for available options, but this namespace doesnt have any generated docs i can see, though the , are the reitit.core docs unintentionally missing?


I have an app packed with most of the reitit features, so everything is wrapped in middleware, including coercion. But I have a handler where I need to access the raw request body for signature verification. Is there a way to either suppress coercion of json only for this endpoint, or better yet, have access to both formats of the body while in the handler?

Ben Sless04:06:15

The uncoerced body should be in :body-params, no?


at least for Jetty, the :body is a read-once inputstream, so once sombody has parsed the body it's no longer available


I've worked around this with an early middleware that does something like (update req :body slurp)


the other middlewares know how to work with a string just as well as an inputstream


I think there was a thread about this here just a while ago

Ben Sless10:06:46

If you're using all the reitit middlewares, including the parameters middleware you'll have the parsed body after format negotiation under body-params. Read it from there, the body key belongs to the server


Yeah, but the OP wanted the raw original request body

Ben Sless11:06:03

In the context of coercion, the impetus for the question, I assume raw means unprocessed data structures, not raw bytes as they came in over the wire


right! I assumed raw bytes since signatures were mentioned, but I might be wrong


@UK0810AQ2 That’s close to what I want… I just want a JSON body in raw text, without JSON coercion so I can use it for calculating the signature. Text is fine, raw bytes are unnecessary.


Okay, that worked perfectly. The last piece of the puzzle is how to include this middleware in the app stack but only enable it for a small set of routes. If I have conditional logic inside the middleware functions, how can I get a simple flag to that middleware?


I don’t completely understand the reitit middleware-as-data completely, but it seems I should be able to have:


:middleware [[wrap-raw-body true]]


Or something like this in the routes where it is needed. But apparently my understanding of the routing is incorrect, because I’m getting stack traces when I hit those routes.


I assume I’m configuring that middleware incorrectly.


You can define middleware per route, like

["/api/healthcheck" ;; affected only by general middleware
      {:no-doc true
       :get {:summary "Healthcheck for system status"
             :parameters {} ; Do not allow any query parameters.
             :responses {200 {:body string?}}}
       :handler (fn [_]
                  (if (db/in-sync? db)
                    {:status 200 :body "ok"}
                    {:status 503 :body "sync in process"}))}]
      {:swagger {:tags ["api"]}
       :middleware [wrap-request-audit-log ;; special middleware for everything unded /api not affecting other routes
                    (api-key/create-verification-middleware get-db)
       {:put {:summary "Affected by middleware defined in previous level"
              (fn [a]
                (put-handler/do-something a))}}]


The :middleware key is the magic and defined middlewares only apply to that level and levels below.


Thanks! I figured it out, and it’s exactly like you said. It works great now.