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Max Anderson04:01:02

So I am not sure if this is the place for subjective questions like this, but does anyone find themselves preferring compojure-api to reitit these days? I feel like with reitit, which I have been using for years at this point, I have to set up and configure everything, like coercion and request/response formatting, etc. I've gotten the hang of it, but it feels like a lot when compojure-api just works straight out of the box. In some senses, I feel more comfortable working with something that provides a higher level set of things to use with good defaults to accomplish what I want than having to work with all the details. Am I missing something? I am wondering if anyone else has an undying love for compojure-api or has also had a change of heart. Sorry again if this question isn't really appropriate/doesn't belong here


It’s a good question, don’t worry 🙂 currently, reitit is more of a library for making routing frameworks than an strongly opinionated framework like compojure-api. There are already some higher-level solutions on top of reitit you can use (like #kit-clj). I have a plan of creating a proper module system, functional dsl and some added optional batteries to reitit to make it newbie/busy/lazy -developer friendly.


we love reitit precisely for the reason @U055NJ5CC mentioned - we specifically wanted to create our own framework matching our exact needs, without having to fight past baked in 'concretion' opinions. the data oriented nature of reitit has been great for this

👍 6

I consider reitit as a routing library. While my Common Lisp experience biases me towards the nice defroute API exposed by Compojure, I've actually found Reitit to be much more extendible and easier-to-setup for path params, coercion, etc. than Compojure. The most important part for me, however, is being able to use reitit on both frontend and backend. I don't need to jump back and forward between Accountant and Compojure. The documentation and examples are also fantastic. In general, Metosin produces some of the best-documented Clojure libraries out there.