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Martynas Maciulevičius06:07:18

Hey. Are there any guides about migrating from compojure-api(Schema) to reitit(Malli)? Can I use both at the same time?


Both compojure-api and reitit do very similar things so using them both at the same time might be difficult. I wouldn’t recommend doing that. You can use both schema and malli at the same time though with reitit.


I’m not aware of migration guides. This channel is a good place to ask for help if you hit any brick walls while migrating. 🙂

Martynas Maciulevičius18:07:56

I just have quite a few handlers and I'm thinking what to do with them :thinking_face: Whether I need to do a big-bang or not :thinking_face: Also I would like to see how doable it is in one go.