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With this router

(rring/ring-handler router
                    (rring/create-resource-handler {:root "shadow-output" :path "/"})
                    (rring/create-file-handler {:root "public" :path "/"})
                  {:middleware [[(fn [handler]
                                   (ring-dflt/wrap-defaults handler ring-dflt/site-defaults))]]})
I'm getting a weird figwheel index page served. I'm not using figwheel at all. If i remove the middleware the correct index is served from (from the file handler, it's in public). But I need to use the middleware. Any easy fix for this?


Ok figured this out, it's because the site-defaults map includes settings to serve public resources, which was in my resources from another project


Also, and this is related, any tips on using reitit with sente would be greatly appreciated 🙂 I'm aware of but can't for the life of me get ring wrap-defaults to work which is needed for the csrf token that sente uses


Got it!

(rring/ring-handler router
                    (rring/create-file-handler {:root "public" :path "/"})
                    (rring/create-resource-handler {:root "shadow-output" :path "/"})
                  {:middleware [[(fn [routes]
                                   (ring-dflt/wrap-defaults routes
                                     (dissoc ring-dflt/site-defaults :static)))]]})
is what worked for me as far as ring's wrap-defaults goes