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I'm trying to figure out how to troubleshoot failing coercions, I can't seem to get a handle on the actual error.. attached here is my ring handler and retitit route. I'd like to apply expound to the spec error (, but I can't even get a handle on the spec error heh. Anyone have tips?
@ramblurr the coercion with ring is done using middleware, not using a :compile
you could check some of the examples, like:
thanks @ikitommi that really helped. :reitit.middleware/transform dev/print-request-diffs
is amazing!
and now adding the custom exception middleware to use expound as described in the docs, works 😁
My reitit ring handler is wrapped in the middleware (wrap-defaults (reitit.ring/ring-handler (reitit.ring/router ....)))
I'd like to invert it so that the defaults middlewares are all inside, defined in the :middleware
key of the reitit handler definiton.
you can look at the source code of the wrap-defaults
and put the relevant mw into router :data
vector, e.g.
{:data {:middleware [[wrap-anti-forgery (get-in config [:security :anti-forgery] false)]
[wrap-flash (get-in config [:session :flash] false)]]}})
The naming confuses me. Is it convention that a function prefixed with wrap-
is the higher order function that accepts the handler and returns a function (fn [request])
(the actual middleware?)
When one talks of middleware are they referring to this handler wrapping function or the inner function?
the vector syntax is meant for the wrap-
style middleware. the handler is injected as first argument, e.g. [wrap-something {:option "kikka"}]
is turned into (wrap-something handler {:options "kikka"})
at router creation time.
I think that the “thread-first optimized” convention is really bad in Ring as it couples middleware creation and configuration. All reitit middleware are named -middleware
, of type options -> handler -> handler
["/something" {:get api/something-handler}
`["/:id" {:get api/something-id-handler}`
["/subthing" {:get api/subthing-handler}]]]
matches, /something/asdfasdfasdf/subthing
matches, but /something/asdfasdfasdf
["/something" {:get api/something-handler}
["" {:get api/something-id-handler}]
["/subthing" {:get api/subthing-handler}]]]
should workI can't seem to find the docs regarding routing syntax when it comes to nested routes.
What is the difference between ["" ["/" {:name :root}] ["/sub1" {:name :sub1 }]]
and [["/" :foo] ["/sub1"]]
When to use ""
and when not? And how do you properly add another level deeper (so /sub1/sub2
) when you want each level to have its own view?