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Hello, I used reitit and reitit-swagger in Luminus framework, I found an argument, {:swagger {:security []}}
{:get {:summary "auth ping"
:middleware [authorized?]
:swagger {:security []}}
:response {200 {:body "OK"}}
:handler (fn [] {:status 200 {:body "OK"}})}
how to use it? please let me know any document...@e.tmailbank here's the swagger spec guide, hope it helps: A reitit-spesific guide would be nice, if someone has time to contribute such.
👍 4
the :securityDefinitions
can be added to the swagger-spec route, :security
to routes that apply those rules.
I think i found a bug in sieppari:
(require '[sieppari.core :as sp]
(def noop-interceptor
{:enter identity
:leave identity})
(defn async-inc
(-> (p/delay 100 (inc v))
(p/then (fn [v]
(throw (ex-info "error" {}))))))
(defn test-execute
(let [d (p/deferred)]
(sp/execute [noop-interceptor async-inc] 1 #(p/resolve! d %) #(p/reject! d %))
@(test-execute) ;; blocks forever
this is the code that i expect to work (returning an rejected cfuture) but it blocks forever