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Alexsandro Soares00:09:15

I'm trying to create two endpoints for my API: /users/ -> listing all users and /users/2 -> listing the user with id=2. I did the routes like posted before. This worked for me, but I can't test both endpoins using Swagger UI. What's the correct way to do this?


@rlander there is no separation of key or value either in Schema or Spec, so I don’t think there is an easy way. With schema, you can create a custom coercion-matcher, that effects maps, and transforms the keys.


there are sample in schema-tools how to create matchers that effect maps, e.g. the one that strips away extra keys not part of the Schema:


the matchers in Schema don’t compose that easily, there are helpers for this in schema-tools, including multi-matcher, or-matchers and forwarding-matcher.


Another way is to add a custom mw/interceptor that does transforms the bodies before & after validation.


Thanks for the response, thats the aproach I ended up taking for my use case: add a middleware that transforms the bodies before and after and a "derived schema" that is just the Schema + a case transformation.


but, no easy way, but a valid case and asked a lot. Added a issue to malli to make it easy with it.


That would pretty much solve the issue for us, had we been using malli instead of schema 😃 We're planning on doing that sooner rather than later


welcome @prof.asoares. Why can’t you test those via swagger-ui?


hello, do people use reitit instead of secretary?

Alexsandro Soares11:09:14

Hi, when I tried to use the swagger-ui I couldn't see the endpoint to list all users. But, I can see the two others endpoints.


Hi gents! I’m trying to add cors interceptor to my router config and I have some problems. My interceptor

(defn cors-interceptor []
  {:name ::cors
   (fn [context]
     (assoc context :request
               (io.pedestal.http.cors/allow-origin {:creds true :allowed-origins some?})))})
then I added this interceptor but it doesn’t work. Can you help me to understand what I’m doing wrong?


I need it because in prod build I have a problem with cors for swagger js files

Alexsandro Soares16:09:47

I solved my problem using this code. Thanks anyway.


@y.khmelevskii there is a CORS interceptor in the Issue comment to be bundle in reitit-interceptors at


thank you @ikitommi for the link. I saw it. But currently I can’t see this PR in reitit and I’m not sure how long I need to wait it. Thats why I’m going to use another way but I’m not sure how I can do it