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Hannu Hartikainen08:11:54

I’ll just remind you about which you probably saw and forgot

Hannu Hartikainen08:11:13

@vale might have comments on that, actually

Hannu Hartikainen08:11:49

My main use case for slash handling would be in frontend so I might do something about that at some point, too. No ring there.


the one concern is the performance penalty of using a regex, otherwise looks surefine to me

Hannu Hartikainen08:11:14

I thought about that. It’s only run in cases the route doesn’t match, though, and the regex is pretty trivial. And afaik regexes are pre-compiled in clojure.

Hannu Hartikainen08:11:11

I’m 90% certain a regex is the most performant way to strip an arbitrary number of slashes on JVM, but I haven’t run any tests.


i surely can't think of anything better