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I am not familiar with any other attempts at this but I've been thinking along those lines as well. The other idea I had was using xstate for this as I just wanted the query caching and refresh logic, not the react hook interface. Some prior art here

👀 1

I'm curious with query-core are you planning to store js data structures or cljs data structures?

김태희(taehee kim)12:05:16

oh, it looks cool! 🙂 I succeeded. @tanstack/query-core with reagent reaction. I'm using it in our production project. it stores cljs data structure. (without tanstack query's structure sharing)


nice! that's good to hear :) seems like a nice quick setup that should work well

clojure 1
김태희(taehee kim)12:05:38

yeah. I can use reaegnt reaction with deref @. I don't mind rules of Hooks (until new react 18 features...)