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Hello. I'm using Material UI widgets in my app and I notice that in the < sample code (click '<>' to open code window)> , some widget properties are camelCase as expected, so I'm positive reagent will translate them to and from kebab-case for cljs use. However, some are kebab-case in the JS code. From the sample code:
aria-owns={open ? 'mouse-over-popover' : undefined}
Is reagent clever enough to notice this and not rewrite my cljs kebab-case keywords? If not, is there a workaround?It's not that clever because it cannot possibly look into the JS code. But you can do that by using string keys instead of keyword keys.
This is how Reagent does it:
(def dont-camel-case #{"aria" "data"})
(defn capitalize [s]
(if (< (count s) 2)
(string/upper-case s)
(str (string/upper-case (subs s 0 1)) (subs s 1))))
(defn dash-to-prop-name [dashed]
(if (string? dashed)
(let [name-str (name dashed)
[start & parts] (string/split name-str #"-")]
(if (dont-camel-case start)
(apply str start (map capitalize parts))))))