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Hey, any idea why this doesn't work? Clicking on the button doesn't update the component
(defn root-component []
(let [selected (r/atom 0)]
(fn []
[:p [:button {:on-click #(reset! selected 1)} "Click me"]
(fn [x] (str (= x @selected)))
[0 1 2])])))
However, this works and update the component correctly:
(defn root-component []
(let [selected (r/atom 0)]
(fn []
[:p [:button {:on-click #(reset! selected 1)} "Click me"]
(str (map
(fn [x] (= x @selected))
[0 1 2]))])))
(note the difference of where I put the str
:thinking_face:@jazzytomato you’re dereferencing the selected
atom inside of a lazy sequence, so reagent isn’t able to capture the dereference and set up its tracking magic for you
if you lift the dereference out of the map
you should see it work:
jazzytomato 11:44 AM
Hey, any idea why this doesn't work? Clicking on the button doesn't update the component
(defn root-component []
(let [selected (r/atom 0)]
(fn []
[:p [:button {:on-click #(reset! selected 1)} "Click me"]
(let [selected-val @selected]
(fn [x] (str (= x selected-val)))
[0 1 2])]))))
Oooooh of course :face_palm:
Thanks 😁
also can help because a vector relizexsthe sequence.