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Lucy Wang10:04:55

FWIW I made some benchmarking between reagent, helix

๐Ÿ‘ 4
Lucy Wang10:04:24

(using latest stable version of reagent 0.10.0, not 1.0.0), config is here


how do you fire an event as soon as the component has loaded, i.e., onComponentMount?


Would the outer part of a form-2 component do the trick?

Lucy Wang14:04:49

@pshar10 With reagent 1.0.0 you can use functional components and react useState hooks.


that's slightly verbose though. Is that the recommended way?


Yeah, as far as I know thatโ€™s the only way to do it, short of rolling your own interop with React and JS.

Lone Ranger13:04:22

it's not that bad @pshar10 there are just some pitfalls to be aware of. Use them all the time (for better/worse), ping if you run into trouble

Lone Ranger13:04:41

if for some reason you use them inline just remember they need to be wrapped in a vector


what pitfalls do I need to be aware of?

Lone Ranger13:04:23

I use them with inputs frequently to focus/select on mount, i.e.

  (fn [this]
    (let [node (reagent.dom/dom-node this]
      (.select node)
      (.focus node)))
  (fn [] [:input])})

Lone Ranger13:04:14

if you were to drop that inline, for instance, you would need to do something like

 [:label "blah"]
   (fn [this]
     (let [node (reagent.dom/dom-node this]
       (.select node)
       (.focus node)))
   (fn [] [:input])})]]

Lone Ranger13:04:27

(note that it is wrapped in a vector)

Lone Ranger13:04:30

as opposed to

Lone Ranger13:04:50

 [:label "blah"]
 ;; this won't work
   (fn [this]
     (let [node (reagent.dom/dom-node this]
       (.select node)
       (.focus node)))
   (fn [] [:input])})]

Lone Ranger13:04:20

the other two pitfalls, I suppose, are to access the actual dom node from the lifecycle methods use reagent.dom/dom-node as indicated in the example and to make sure that your your render method is actually :reagent-render. If you use :render it will have intermittent bugs


Would the outer part of a form-2 component do the trick?


@goomba This is better I think: (def foo-bar (with-meta identity {:component-did-mount #((foo-bar))})) (defn my-component [] [foo-bar [:div "Foo"] ] )

๐Ÿ‘ 4
Lone Ranger13:04:00

Cool! I've never seen that before ๐Ÿ™‚


Has anyone tried #respo and #reagent both? What are the pros and cons of both?


Which do you like better and why?