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I’ve tried ‘downshift’, ‘react-select’ and ‘react-autosuggest’ via interop. ‘react-select’ is probably my favorite so far.


i hate react-select with a passion


downshift works at least

Frank Henard19:06:50

Thanks. I've tried re-com typeahead with much frustration, and lately I've been trying metosin/komponentit with more success.

Frank Henard19:06:50

@valtteri, @ashnur It appears you're suggesting raw react components. Are they fairly easy to integrate with reagent?

Frank Henard19:06:09

@scknkkrer why the rolled eyes?


I’m wondering about this too. Nothing else.

👍 4

I don't know reagent, just react. react-select hides the event and does all kind of magic stuff out of the box. downshit requires work but uses render-props -> incredibly flexible. I am certain both can be integrated into any cljs project, but I base this belief simply on the fact that both javascript and clojurescript are very flexible themselves.

👍 4