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I was trying to generate dynamic number of checkboxes, the state of which is stored in the app state which is an atom which is a list of dicts like this [{:checked false, :text "Sample text 1"} {:checked false, :text "Sample text 2"} {:checked false, :text "Sample text 3"}] The function below is expected to generate a checkbox corresponding to the specified index of app’s db (`db`). The function does it jobs and the checkboxes are clickable.

(defn gen-checkbox [index db] 
            :label (:text (@db index))
            :model (:checked (@db index))
            :on-change #((swap! db assoc-in [index :checked] (not(:checked (@db index)))))
However, I get this error when I click on any checkbox. Uncaught Error: Assert failed: Reaction is read only; on-set is not allowed The error occurs at swap!. Can some one point out where I am doing wrong?


:on-change #((swap! db assoc-in [index :checked] (not(:checked (@db index))))) should be :on-change #(swap! db assoc-in [index :checked] (not(:checked (@db index))))


Ie. Remove a set of parens


Thanks @mikethompson. However, the error is still occuring.

Uncaught Error: Assert failed: Reaction is read only; on-set is not allowed
(fn? (.-on-set a))
    at reagent.ratom.Reaction.cljs$core$IReset$_reset_BANG_$arity$2 


there are too many things going on in that snippet. I'd narrow it down to something simpler


@pesterhazy thanks! I am relatively new to clojure and reagent. Is there a better way to generate a dynamic number of checkboxes and save the states in the app’s state?


it looks fine to me


one thing we don't see is what db is here. It looks like it's not the Ratom but a Reaction


@devinbox.vishnu As @pesterhazy suggests, it looks to me that your db is a readonly Reaction and not a read/write ratom


In which case, your (write-full) attempt at a swap! is failing with that error.


I want to set up an async polling process that runs while my reagent component is on the screen, and is removed when it isn’t. Is there a canonical example for this sort of thing? I’m guessing a form-3 component can take me at least some of the way, maybe all of the way?


@reefersleep you can definitely do that with form-3 by using :component-did-mount and :component-will-unmount. but i think you can also do it in a more clojurey way using with-let and finally


@lee.justin.m what’s with-let? I don’t see it anywhere.


Ah, I thought we were talking vanilla Clojure! reads


That’s just brilliant, exactly what I need! Cheers @lee.justin.m!


@reefersleep if using re-frame, can take a peak at re-pollsive


Ah yes. I would, only this particular project is reagent + custom stuff on top, and it’s a work project 🙂


Ahh gotcha 👍


Cheers though!

🍻 4

hmmm @lee.justin.m it’s not working how it should, but I think it’s to do with my lack of understanding of core async.


I’ve with-let a call to go-loop. The finally block is called, and inside it, I use close! to kill the loop, only it doesn’t kill the loop.


I was unsure of whether using close! was a correct move, since the documentation state that it works on channels, and I’m unsure of what a loop is (maybe a channel?)


But I used close! to ensure that figwheel-reload wouldn’t start several loops, and that seemed to work.


I probably just need to rethink my async code 🙂


i quit using core.async because it find its metaphors to be the wrong solution for me and it introduces a lot of complexity, so i’m the wrong guy to ask. but, generally, i recall a discussion that core.async is not cancellable (?)


i assume what you are doing is pumping into a channel inside of the setInterval callback?


consider just signaling through the standard reagent/atom mechanisms and then just cancelling the interval in the finally block. so much simpler


@lee.justin.m I just realized that I could do the same thing this morning 🍻 I started off with (code that does not close the go-routine):

(reagent/with-let [my-timeout-routine (go-loop []
                                          (<! (timeout 2000))
(finally (close! my-timeout-routine)))
I did it differently, like this, and it works as expected:
(reagent/with-let [keep-timing-out? (atom true)
                     my-timeout-routine (go-loop []
                                          (when @keep-timing-out?
                                            (<! (timeout 2000))
(finally (swap! keep-timing-out? not)))
Is this what you were thinking about, too?


Yes exactly.


Brilliant! Thanks for the help! I’ll be sure to add with-let and finally to my arsenal of state management 🙂


Hi all, I am curious about the caching semantics of the reagent.core/with-let macro, specifically with respect to the react will-mount lifecycle method. What I'm seeing is that the values with-let macro are evaluated before the component is mounted on the dom, but also on each browser reload. The will-mount lifecycle method however is not evaluated on every reload, just a hard refresh, when a new component is actually created. I was using with-let as a convenience over the will-mount method, but clearly there's some important, but not obvious difference.


I’m not sure I follow the distinction between a “browser reload” and “just a hard refresh”?


certainly though, they have different semantics. the lifecycle events are managed by react and with-let happens on top of all that. it would be interesting if you found a difference between a form-2 component and a with-let component


@lee.justin.m, sorry, the way I put it was unclear, it's not a browser reload, but a code reload, such as when figwheel or a boot tasks automatically reloads code in the browser. No new components are made in this case, and so will-mount will not run. However, the values in with-let are re-evaluated.


And the with-let semantics do indeed appear different than form 2. The values in a with-let are re-evaluated across code reloads, even when no new components are created. The context in a form 2 component is not.


its a bit beyond my understanding, unfortunately


i wonder if it has something to do with trying to enforce the finally block


@lee.justin.m I just realized that I could do the same thing this morning 🍻 I started off with (code that does not close the go-routine):

(reagent/with-let [my-timeout-routine (go-loop []
                                          (<! (timeout 2000))
(finally (close! my-timeout-routine)))
I did it differently, like this, and it works as expected:
(reagent/with-let [keep-timing-out? (atom true)
                     my-timeout-routine (go-loop []
                                          (when @keep-timing-out?
                                            (<! (timeout 2000))
(finally (swap! keep-timing-out? not)))
Is this what you were thinking about, too?