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How do you handle modifying the inner-state of a type-3 component by a keyboard-event that is registered on component-did-mount?


where is the state that keyboard-event is modifying? in a r/atom local to the component?


is it discouraged to use a reagent atom similar to a normal atom (e.g. derefing inside of a go-loop?)


you can use it however you want, but the observer code only runs during the evaluation of the render function


so if you do something async, like a go loop, the deref will probably happen outside of the render evaluation and the observer code won’t work


if you are mutating the ratom and you just want updates to happen, you can do that anywhere. it is likely that you’ll want to do that in a go block if you are using cljs-http, for exmaple


that's fine. in my case, I don't need the observer behavior


inside of the view, anyway


I'm trying to figure out how to do server rendering with stateful stuff 😬


good luck 🙂


that seems to be what I'm getting from the various issues & blog posts I've read 😅


it’s just a relatively new technique. not that solid on js stacks afaict. it’s the kind of thing where small user base is a disadvantage


yeah. I've had simple SSR working for my team for awhile, but trying to figure out how to handle data fetching in a component-y way


I basically want something akin to apollo/relay w.r.t. how they do SSR


is apollo the thing that spun out of meteor?


I think so, yeah. it's a framework for working with GraphQL & React


right now I'm fumbling my way through figuring out re-frame and hacking on it to see if I can e.g. isolate the app-db per-request, dispatch any data-fetching events/effects, and wait for data to finish loading before rendering the component tree for reals


i’ve so far avoided re-frame.


it was re-frame, some other framework or roll my own. it seems like re-frame has quite a following so I'm trying that out first


i am now suspicious about things that introduce too many abstractions and terms


I might try out cannibalizing's query stuff to do this instead


it’s probably great, but i feel if i just exercise some discipline i can do without


but sometimes i wonder if i’m missing out


@lee.justin.m I was in the same boat as you regarding re-frame and discipline ... up until recently. I think what you can gain from re-frame, even if you are already disciplined, is stuff like re-frame-10x. The tooling around re-frame can get pretty great over time, and I am jealous that I don't get to use those goodies yet 😂

😂 4
👍 8

I was thinking the exact same thing. The conventions that people build up around re-frame are also nice to lean against when in doubt, and the chatter here, even. Nobody will be discussing your custom solution; with re-frame, that mindshare is free and includes free further development of the library.


We use a custom solution at work, and I really think we'd have much to gain from using re-frame instead.

👍 8

I was thinking the exact same thing. The conventions that people build up around re-frame are also nice to lean against when in doubt, and the chatter here, even. Nobody will be discussing your custom solution; with re-frame, that mindshare is free and includes free further development of the library.