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anyone using secretary for routing.? I’m trying to figure how to set a route programatically
yeah I’ve got a project that was created with the luminus starter, have a few routes, etc setup with the goog.History stuff. Working fine when I say click to “#/help”, but don’t see say an api where I can programatically (go "help")
or something
ok. let me try that, I’m just getting back to this, but I think when I tried it, the route function fired but the url didn’t change
If you wanted to do it manually, you could
(defn set-hash! [hash]
(set! (.-hash (.-location js/window))
(str "#" hash)))
ah heck, now I just remember the other problem I was having lol. so, anyone using it with re-frame? i’m trying to figure out the best way to make all that work together. I have a say a :current-page
key in the db, when you first hit the app it’s set to :login
. in my login sucess handler event, I want to set :current-page :home
. So that works fine of course, and my ‘top’ render function displays the current page, etc etc. But the url hasn’t changed at that point. So i guess that’s the real question. Should be calling (set-hash..)
or (dispatch..
as a co-effect or something ?
@eoliphant you can also ask about re-frame in #re-frame and you may get more insight. If it is re-frame oriented of a question. Just in case you didn’t know
@eoliphant I'd create a new effect (not a coeffect)
(defn- scroll-to-top! []
(.scroll js/window 0 0))
(defn- set-hash! [hash]
(set! (.-hash (.-location js/window))
(str "#" hash)))
(fn [hash]
(set-hash! hash)
ah, havent really messed with my own effect handlers so far. ok cool thx. So though, that would be ‘called’ from the map returned by an event-fx
one more quick question 😉 this my current handler
(fn [db [_ page]]
(assoc db :page page)))
That I’m going to change to a -fx, with this update of the db + a :set-hash key/val. so all good.
But my routes dispatch the same event.
(secretary/defroute "/login" []
(rf/dispatch [:set-active-page :login]))
so is that going to cause some sort of infinite event loop?I'd separate them. Have an event-fx that sets just the hash ... And then have your route dispatch to set the active page like you have it
Hey all, I have a question about dynamic children and passing keys: In React, one could do this:
var ResultList = () => (
{ {
return <ResultItem key={} result={result}/>;
var ResultItem = () => (
<li>return {this.props.result};</li>
Notice that ResultItem
in ResultList
is being passed a prop of key
but the ResultItem
itself does not specify how to use the key
prop? How would a similar pattern be done in reagent?hmmm it seems that the way to make this happen would be
(defn result-list
(for [item items)
^{:key (:id item)}
(result-item )])
Do I have to use the meta macro or is it possible to pass :key
as an argument like in react? For example:
(for [item items)
(result-item {:key (:id item) } )])
@tkjone As far as I know, using the meta variant is the idiomatic/most common way of doing this
(defn lister [items]
(for [item items]
^{:key item} [:li "Item " item])])
Yeah, I saw that way of doing just struck me as out of place considering that it looks so different from how arguments would be passed, but I can see that it is just an idiom I would need to get used to
I'm a lot more used to reagent than react at this point, but I quite like the separation. 🙂 The :key
is metadata that react uses for optimization, and the arguments to the function/component are the ones that it actually uses to render itself.
Also, a heads up: You'll want to use square brackets rather than parens when calling reagent components to avoid unneeed re-rendering:
What’s the best way to run a reagent app in production? I’ve always started with a full-stack template, but this is just a re-frame app, so there’s no jetty built in.
Good tip. Thanks @curlyfry
@tkjone I suspect it is done that way because “props” are optional in the reagent paradigm. If the first argument is a map, then it is treated as “props”. I suspect the meta variant is done so that you can skip the props map if you need to.
That makes sense. Its one of those React->Reagent
things I need to wrap my head around
The distinction is actually nice
Because I imagine it would be odd for beginner to see that key
is passed as a prop, but never explicitly used in the component it is being passed to
@jmckitrick I don’t think there is anything specific to reagent in terms of running it in production. I will run mine on express but that’s because I have a JS api server already.
I actually hate that reagent calls itself a “simple react binding” or whatever it says on the readme. Reagent is quite complicated and subtle. The code you write is elegant, but pretending it is simple is a mistake.
@lee.justin.m I guess my question is how to start the project in production mode locally. Silly question, I know, but I’ve not deployed front-end-only apps before.
well that’s more a question of what tool chain you are using. i use shadow-cljs, so I’d ask for a release build, which will create a javascript bundle that I can just copy to the public resouces directory of an express server
if you use jetty, I think some folks like to make an uberjar, which zips up your built code and all static resources (html, images, etc..).
Ah, I think I found something…
I appreciate your help!
hello! running into some issues getting a component to re-render based on state changes
the value of the input field is re-rendered (using reagent form), but the :class
key seems to only run once.
@mcama200 are you sure the state is getting updated the way you think it is? try sticking a (js/console.log error)
as the first line of the let block just to make sure
yeah I gave it a try. It only logs onMount. However, I can see the state changing by printing it in a parent component and checking out the atom in my repl