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Hey all, just wanted to share an early cut of a library i am working on. Re-surface: add structure to your reagent / re-frame apps at the page-level.


I love the demo - it kind of feels like an actual client meeting 🙂


Have you been using it for any projects yet or is it brand new?


@shaun-mahood brand new. I plan to use it in some projects though. The part that i am mostly interested in is seeing if describing a page by just data buys you what i hope it buys you. One thing in particular, all of the different possible page states will be enumerated and hopefully that means it should be easier to test / cycle through them ... as well as avoid random states by mistake.


From my brief look at it I think it's promising - at the very least it moves things from CSS into reagent which is a pretty huge win IMO. I'll be trying it on my next frontend project (though I've been working way more backend this year so that may be a while).


This is great! Looking forward to reading the code to see exactly what's going on.


Normally I just rely on CSS-fu


Awesome, let me know if you have any questions. Also, CSS-fu is a good thing to rely on if you have it! (I do not 😆)


Do you know if this will play well with re-com? Thanks


@U06C63VL4 I haven't tried it with re-com yet, but you should be able to put arbitrary components inside of re-surface so long as they don't affect the z-axis. So things like re-com's layers might get interesting. Looks like they are using really big z-indicies ... so likely work fine. (As an aside, re-surface is still settling on the z-indicies used, right now i am using low ones that increment by 1 ... however, i will like end up creating large gaps to allow people to put things in between as they see fit, just haven't figured out the best approach there).


Thanks for info/heads up


@shaun-mahood brand new. I plan to use it in some projects though. The part that i am mostly interested in is seeing if describing a page by just data buys you what i hope it buys you. One thing in particular, all of the different possible page states will be enumerated and hopefully that means it should be easier to test / cycle through them ... as well as avoid random states by mistake.


Is there a way that I can create view functions that follow the same optional props style that reagent uses?