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Got the following error when build uberjar with soda-ash :Uncaught TypeError: is not a function


@hugh.jf.chen I'm guessing you've got code like (Segment x y z)? It looks like you're trying to call Segment as a function? You'll need to show code using Segment for us to help more


@danielcompton Yes,that's the exact problem. Thank you so much helping me out this problem!


Hi all, brand new to cljs and have a question: I have a atom :colors colors/grey where colors/grey is a map with various color values. I’m trying to use a select box to update that atom to a different theme such as :colors colors/light. I’m using :on-change #(swap! state/app-state assoc-in [:colors] (.. % -target -value)) and the option tag is [:option {:value color/light} "Light"]. Question is, do I need to somehow unwrap the value of color/light before passing it to the atom? I’m getting [Object object]. Thanks for the help! UPDATE: Nevermind, of course I’m just dealing with JavaScript at that point. Was thinking there was something I had to do with reagent first.


Hi. I have trouble to set the white-space style attribute on a td (haven't tried elsewhere). It's just swallowed. But apparently it's possible to set it in react:


oups, solved it that second, but not in a super clean way: :white-space and :whitespace didn't work, but :whiteSpace did


Anyone running phantomjs tests on reagent 0.7.0? After upgrading from 0.6.2 it now just errors with no message, wondering if anyone has a working example


We are excluding react and instead pulling in react-with-addons, keeping to the same version number as what reagent depends on. Discovered that react-with-addons 15.5.4-0 simply doesn't work. Jumping ahead to 15.6.1-0 or back to 15.4-0 works, so just a dodgy release of react? In any case, I've got it working again but not sure I completely understand all the ramifications of having it out of sync