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Is there a way to return React dom nodes from a function that normally returns hiccup for Reagent? I need it for React interop with the InfiniteLoader from React-Virtualized.
I think I found it here:
react-virtualized is awesome by the way
I have some sample code if you need it
for reagent I mean
@pesterhazy That would come in handy I think!
There might also be something in Reagent that takes care of this?
(defn is-row-loaded [props]
(let [{:strs [index]} (js->clj props)]
@borkdude I've gisted it up for you:
didn't have time to clean it up too much, hope it's helpful anyway
@pesterhazy many thanks 🙂
Does Reagent have a utility for this?
ah. no unfortunately not
probably better to do (let [index (goog.object/get props "index")])
js->clj is not perfectly reliable and may do too much work
I agree it's cumbersome
if you plan to use adv compilation, goog.object/get
is your best option
I think
google closure minifies property names
so it will break direct access like (.-index ...)
yeah externs don't apply in all cases, e.g. callbacks
@pesterhazy What does this notation mean? :> js/ReactVirtualized.AutoSizer
short cut for adapt-react-class
nope, adapt-react-class
Hmm, > Uncaught Error: InfiniteLoader.render(): A valid React element (or null) must be returned. You may have returned undefined, an array or some other invalid object.
you need to return e.g. (r/as-element [:div ...])
This is what I’ve got right now:
Trying to follow these docs:
Maybe I should write: (r/create-element js/ReactVirtualized.List #js {…})
, but that doesn’t work either
yeah it's a bit outdated
Hi all. core.logic for facts & queries, +reagent for web front-end decision tree for our users. Does it make any sense to even consider using those two birds together?
A lot of systems and constraints make for non-intuitive decisions in the course of our work, hence the desire on my part, to let core.logic do the dirty work of ifs-and-thens.
But not sure how to tie query results
(run* [q] …)
to reagent component defs: (defn advice-component [] (if (run* [q] …
? Could it be that simple?Realize I need to test if no one has done this before (doubtful) but googling for this = nil.
Ok, now I upgraded the cljsjs package myself. I get: Warning: Something is calling a React component directly. Use a factory or JSX instead, for:
(r/create-element js/ReactVirtualized.List
#js {...})
I’m trying to imitate this example in JSX:
<List .... />
Wrapping it in a createFactory gives me the same message, like so:
(def List* (.createFactory js/React js/ReactVirtualized.List))
and then:
(List* #js {…})
but there was also a problem with r/reactify-component
, I had to wrap that result in a factory as well