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guys, how do you look through a collection of reactions in a render block?
this throws me an Uncaught Error: [object Object] is not ISeqable
(let [mailboxes (subscribe [:mailboxes])])
(for [mailbox mailboxes]
^{:key (:account mailbox)} [mailbox-row mailbox])
in the db, mailboxes is a vector
(let [mailboxes (subscribe [:mailboxes])])
(for [mailbox @mailboxes] ;;<- notice @
^{:key (:account mailbox)} [mailbox-row mailbox])
ah, what a rookie mistake. what is the @
ah, many thanks!
for that i dont need luck but wisdom from guys like you 😉
Is there a way to have a “if not found in the database, do a remote fetch” pattern in subscription. Is it even a valid pattern in re-frame ?
Wonderful! Thanks @mccraigmccraig
@jarcane: Yes, by updating state atom from onhashchange and creating reaction from that
@tom, that's explained in -- and yes, it's not exactly straightforward with reagent
Hey guys, a quick question. I'm exporting a reagent component to be used in a React project. Is it possible to re-render on receive new props from React component?
I've been in the world of re-frame (it's really good) for a while so I'm fuzzy on plain reagent. You should be able to mutate the ratom inside a lifecycle method like component-will-receive-props
Another thing is that say I pass in props as <MyComponent props={this.state.props1} />
where MyComponent
is the exported reagent component. Does it need to be defined as (defn my-component [props] ...)
or just (defn my-component [] ...)
and then get props through (r/props r/current-component)