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how are native React classes usually used as props to other native React classes that have been adapted with adapt-react-class; e.g. only this works: [(r/adapt-react-class (aget js/MaterialUI "IconMenu")) {:icon-button-element ((aget js/MaterialUI "IconButton") {:touch true} (icons/navigation-expand-more)) throws exception: [(r/adapt-react-class (aget js/MaterialUI "IconMenu")) {:icon-button-element ((r/adapt-react-class (aget js/MaterialUI "IconButton")) {:touch true} (icons/navigation-expand-more)) and also throws exception: [(r/adapt-react-class (aget js/MaterialUI "IconMenu")) {:icon-button-element ((r/reactify-component (r/adapt-react-class (aget js/MaterialUI "IconButton")) {:touch true} (icons/navigation-expand-more)))


does this mean you have to use a mix of both adapted and native React classes ?