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@nooga have a look at reaction
or re-frame
subscriptions (which are built on reaction
@sivakumargsk: taking this here as #C03RZGPG1 is for announcements only
@sivakumargsk: is your atom
a reagent.core/atom
Hey, I got a problem with a checkbox in reagent-forms. For old version it works fine [reagent-forms "0.5.21"] but for new version [reagent-forms "0.5.22"] it doesn't work well. The problem is the checkbox is not turned into unchecked when I click on the checkbox. But my atom is changed. This is my code (defn home-page [] (let [doc (atom {:name true})] (fn [] [:div [:p (str @doc)] [bind-fields [:input {:field :checkbox :id :name}] doc] [:button.btn.btn-default {:on-click #(reset! doc nil)} "clear"]])))
@nooga: have a look at re-frame
's docs - re-frame subscriptions are just a registration layer over reagent reaction
s -
@sivakumargsk: see my question above
hey, there was an example posted, where a color scale was generated with reagent. does anyone have a link?
@martinklepsch: my atom is reagent.core/atom
@grav: you can always google. These channels are archived here: It's for metadata.
Yep, you could do that too. But there are cases where metadata is more reliable than setting key
For example, if you're using a component whose first parameter is not a map, the key
in map approach won't work.
The key takeaway is: metadata always works, and the key
-in-property-map approach only works if it’s in the first argument to your component, which won’t work if your component doesn’t take a property map as its first parameter.
Oh, your Slack profile says you’re in British time. Well, then, #lessonlearntthehardway. 😉
do you have an example of a component that wouldn’t take a property map as it’s first parameter?