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is there a good way to create a higher order component? meaning it would take in a reagent component, modify it in some way, and then render the modified component instead? I am trying to make a component which can alter the styles of the element if you are hovering over it, so I was planning on having an ratom which is initially false, when the mouse enters the component I change it to true, and when it leaves set it to false again. Then I could have both base, and hover styles which could be merged or left as just the base depending on the state of the atom. however, rather than writing that piece of logic for every component which needs to react to hovering, I want to abstract it away and allow any new component to have that logic added it it.
@adamkowalski: do you need to do the styling changes inline? this sounds like something that css solves on its own
thanks for the response. yeah I know that css can do what I described above, but I prefer to write my styles as clojure maps
[:div {:style {:color “green”}} “hello world”]
that way I can use arbitrary functions to generate them and be able to have all of the abstractions programming languages provide
the drawback is that now things that were once trivial, like psudo selectors and media queries become more difficult
you just blew my mind, I didn’t know you could do that
do the psuedo selectors from garden work with styles inline?
fyi, in practise, you should use dangerously-set-inner-html b/c re-agent escapes strings
yeah garden seems really interesting to me, except I have two reservations
1) how do you generate styles at runtime using functions?
ie: I have a component whose hue changes based on passing time
2) when you reload styles using figwheel and garden, it doesn’t seem to remove old styles, just mounts new styles on top. How do I clear all old styles before remounting styles
re: 1) you can still use inline styles w/o garden, or use (garden/style ...)
for it to generate a string that is compatible with inline-styles
re: 2, i have it set-up to generate the css on the cljs side, and don't see that problem (my way may have some performance issues maybe?, but not that i've experienced)
yeah i think for #2 the issue was I used and not [:style …]
but yeah for number one I would still have to solve the problem of having hover, focus, click styles
so you think that I could parse the child element passed in, extract the style map from the attribute map and merge in my styles
well my idea is this, I would like to be able to create a set of completely reusable components that can be shared between projects and other people
these components should be completely self contained, meaning they do not manipulate the css in any way and can instead be safely imported into your project without having to worry about style changes
also, i think it is a bad idea to have logic inside of a style language, so I would ideally move all of that out into the programming language level so that I can do more interesting dynamic changes to my components
in react I used radium and es7 decorates or react mixins which was perfect
you could use gensym + garden + style tag in each of your components... ex.
(def wrapper [child]
(let [id (gensym "id_")]
(fn []
[:div {:id id :key id}
[:style (garden/css [(keyword id) {:color "red"} [:&:hover {:color "green"}]])]
great idea, except how would I apply those styles to the child instead of the outer div
while also keeping any styles the child already has
lets say the hypothetical api looks like this
[hover-styles {:color “green”}
[:div {:style {:color “blue”}} “I will change from blue to green when you hover over me”]]
so you generate the gensym in the child component then pass it up to the wrapper so they both talk about the same thing?
generate the gensym in the parent, create the parent div with the gensym, and add the child underneath... add a style block that defines styles for the parent's descendants (ex. #id_1234 * )
interesting idea, I will think about it some more and see if I can codify it into something
because I might also have like
[clicked-styles {:color “red”}
[hover-styles {:color “blue”}
[:div {:style {:color “green”}} “hello”]]]
but that is quickly becoming unwieldy so maybe I can have something like this instead
[psuedo {:clicked {:color “red”}
:hover {:color “blue”}}
[:div {:style {:color “green”}} “hello”]]
yeah polymer tries to do something similar
thats actually exactly what I am going for, essentially trying to make reagent work like web components
scoped styles, js, html -> reagent components, inline styles