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Returning back to smooth scrolling and the Google Closure library. In case someone else does the same mistake as me, when I concluded I had got it working I hadn’t tested in Firefox. To scroll the document using something like what @martinklepsch suggested:

(defn scroll! [el start end time]
  (.play (goog.fx.dom.Scroll. el (clj->js start) (clj->js end) time)))
, know that different browsers need a different element. E.g. (.-body js/document) won’t cut it Firefox, but works fine in Chrome and Safari. Seems like the makers of the library knows about this difference, because they provide a function for getting the document scroll element. So (goog.dom/getDocumentScroll) seems to be what you want.


do people prefer using reframe or core.async with reagent, and why?


@adamkowalski: re-frame is awesome. It keeps all your program state in the one place (called app-db in re-frame, though most code generally never have to access it directly). You use subscriptions to grab data from the app-db (and subscriptions are written so that their value is cached until the underlying data is changed), and you use handlers to trigger changes to app-db. You structure your program so that it does not access app-db except via subscriptions and handlers. It’s a very clean design.


that sounds nice, it seems really similar to the transactor model inside of om next.


the idea of a reaction seems really interesting though