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The lein new reagent template seems to rely on java webservers - is there an example somewhere of deploying reagent with just html, css, and js files?


(ideally also developing with fighweel as the lein new reagent template is nicely set up with)


Wow @gadfly361 - this looks tremendous, I'll try it out now. Thank you.


@gadfly361: are you using any of the semantic-ui transitions in soda-ash? I’m looking to rotate a cube, but trying to do it an event based way (similar to petrol), and want to avoid using jayq


Does anyone know a way to force Schema validation (`schema.core/with-fn-validation`) for components? I think in Om :instrument function could be used for this.


@firinne not yet, hoping to have time soon to start tackling things like that. See my comment in this issue which points to some relevant discussion.


@juhoteperi: But wouldn't (schema/defn component [prop :- PropSchema] ...) work since Form1 and Form2 components are just functions?


@jaen: Schema does not do any validation by default, only when when enabled with s/with-fn-validation or if function has :always-validate metadata, which I don't want to use as I only want to use validation in dev


Ah, I see; what you mean is that you want to validate components only, yes?


But then, wouldn't using schema/defn for components only work?


schema.core/defn is used to annotate functions, it doesn't enable validation by default

Michael Griffiths16:01:51

@juhoteperi: can you use schema.core/set-fn-validation! but in dev only?

Michael Griffiths16:01:04

Or do you only want it enabled for certain fns?


Oh I forgot that one. That will probably work.


Lol, reading comprehension fail; I actually thought you were writing set-fn-validation! instead of with-fn-validation '


And was kinda surprised why that wouldn't work; this explains it.


I was somehow thinking that with-fn-validation would be implemented using dynamic var instead of that strange global state, so I thought there was not global way.

Michael Griffiths16:01:36

Yeah, pretty surprising - I almost think they should be with-fn-validation! / without-fn-validation! to make it clear they’re mutating something global (otherwise you might use it when connected to a REPL in production)


Related to this, I wonder if there is a way to catch exceptions from Reagent so I could catch those Schema errors and control how they are reported?


Looks like I can use window.onerror to catch the exceptions

Michael Griffiths16:01:20

Yeah, we use window.onerror (via TrackJS, but no reason using it directly wouldn’t work)


Okay got that implemented nice.


Next I would like to get hot reload working after I fix some code which threw exception during rendering. Currently I get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_currentElement' of null and I have to reload the whole page


I'm trying to use custom elements (polymer's paper-dialog), but custom attributes get stripped. Apparently React allows custom attributes in custom elements (, does reagent not?


the attributes are shown in the react dev tools view, but they don't appear on the actual html elements in the elements view.


@juhoteperi: i hit this problem too


I can get them working by using create-class with :component-did-mount #(doall (for [[k v] attributes] (-> % (.getDOMNode) (.setAttribute (clj->js k) (clj->js v))))) Is there a way to change the default value for :component-did-mount for create-class?


Hi, I’ve been using reagent to build a simple SPA and I want to add a custom script tag to the index.html. I can’t find one in the default project so I guess it is autogenerated. Does anyone know where the head > script tags are generated? thanks.


@shriphani: how did you create the project? Did you use a template?


@bevy: lein new reagent app-name


@shriphani: src/clj/[app-name]/handler.clj


@amonks: thanks - really appreciate it