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@mpdairy: "A Reaction will dispose of itself when the number of watches (things derefing it) transitions from 1 to 0.” I haven’t done anything with on-dispose myself, but maybe that’s helpful?
So I am dereferencing the test reaction inside of a component named ratom-test
that is called inside another component like this (when (= @rtoggle 1) [ratom-test])
I have a button that changes the rtoggle
atom to 0, after which the [ratom-test]
component disappears. Shouldn't that then dispose the reaction that I derefed in the ratom-test
Really digging petrol by @krisajenkins
Ok I got :on-dispose working. It worked when I tried it on the real thing, though it didn't work for some reason on my test setup.
(def toggle (r/atom 1))
(defn compo [n]
(println "compo: " n)
[:div n])
(defn test-app []
(when (= @toggle 1) [compo 5])
[compo 1]
[compo 2]
[compo 3]
[compo 4]
{:on-click (fn [] (swap! toggle #(if (= % 1) 0 1)))}
When I click on the "Toggle" button, it re-renders compo 1-4 every time and 5 every other time. However, if I move (when (= @toggle 1) [compo 5])
down to the bottom, it doesn't re-render any of the other compos.
It seems like it shouldn't have to re-render any of the later sibling elements just because one gets deleted.
Put a key
on the components, so that React knows which is which: ^{:key "1"}[compo 1]
^{:key "2"}[compo 2]
At the moment, when the first component disappears, (or reappears) React doesn't have enough information to know that there's been a shuffle up or down. So it just rerenders all. Once you give keys, you are giving it more information, and it can avoid the unnecessary rerender.