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a recent talk on clojurescript + react (reagent): video: slides:
I'd like to make a reusable focused
function that calls .focus on a component's root element. So I made this:
(defn focused [comp]
(with-meta comp
{:component-did-mount #(.focus (dom-node %))}))
which I think should be usable as [(focused text-input) model]
, where text-input is an [:input {:type "text" :value @model :on-change #(reset! model (e->value %)}
. However, I'm having trouble passing in the model argument to the wrapped component.
Any ideas how to do this?Found a solution:
I often see error messages from util.cljs, coming from inside render-component. Is there a way to see more specifically where those errors come from?
Added [re-com "0.5.4"]
dependency and getting this error: clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No single method: _setup of interface: cljs.repl.IJavaScriptEnv found for function: -setup of protocol: IJavaScriptEnv, compiling:(cemerick/piggieback.clj:149:5)
. I have [org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-3308" :scope "provided"]
set and boot is using Clojure 1.7 to build.
@petrus: I saw someone having an issue with re-com and boot because the clj-time used by re-com was out of date, or something. Only a vague memory.