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Hi all! I am starting to write tests for my re-frame app. I have read all the docs on testing. I have decided to be using to test the whole system in addition to standard unit tests of particular handlers and have the following question:

I use effects to do http queries and some custom effects to do some other stuff. How can I mock effects? What I mean is that when I do http query the effect dispatches some events on success/failure and I would like them to be dispatched with mocked data and possibly a delay. I use rf-test/run-test-async, but still no idea how to mock effects. I use [ "0.2.4"] for http.


Everything in re-frame that you register with reg-* functions can be registered again, overriding the previous value. So if somewhere you have

(rf/reg-fx :http the-actual-handler)
you can do
(rf/reg-fx :http the-mocked-version)
as a preparation step for tests. But note that it's a global registry, there's no way to mock it per-test or unmock it without re-registering the original handler.


Ok, thanks!