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Hello. I’m new to CLJS and re-frame (but not to Clojure.) My first re-frame-template project was going well, until I quit the shadow-cljs REPL within Emacs. When I restart it (using M-x cider-jack-in-cljs), it appears to start up normally within Emacs, but the browser has a red banner that says Stale output! Your loaded JS was not produced by the running shadow-cljs instance. Is the watch for this build running? and indeed no changes I make in the source files appear in the browser. Anyone know what might be going on?


That's more of a question for #C6N245JGG. Have you tried refreshing the tab?


Yes, including empty cache / hard reload


Can you double-check where the files are served from? E.g. if the server serves the contents of target/dev but shadow-cljs puts its output into target/staging, you'll also see such error. Another potential cause is the server caching the files.


I don’t know what you mean by “the server” — whatever server there is is built into the re-frame-template or shadow-cljs


What is re-frame-template?


A scaffolding for making new re-frame projects,


Also, when you restarted the REPL, did you see any messages about busy ports?


No busy ports message, no. There were no warnings or errors


It appears that running npm run watch on the command line (in addition to cider-jack-in-cljs) makes it work…. I don’t recall having to do that as a seperate step the first time, but maybe I forgot.


The repl does not seem to have the usual js namespace (e.g. (js/alert "foo")), so it feels like something is still not working right…


I don't know how CIDER works and what it does during cider-jack-in-cljs, but shadow-cljs itself has a server. Not an HTTP server (that one it also has), but a server per project. That server process is the thing that actually does all the work. Most of the other commands, unless a specific flag is set, will use that server process. And if it's not started, such a command will start and own it. Maybe the cider-jack-in-cljs command is not aware of that behavior and somehow screws it up, I dunno. I myself always run shadow-cljs via CLI manually (by using the watch command) and then attach whatever REPL I need to the specified nREPL port. > The repl does not seem to have the usual js namespace A symptom of it being a CLJ REPL instead of a CLJS one.


Thanks for the info.. I’m also asking over in #C6N245JGG in case someone there has more info


Yes, it’s definitely a CLJ REPL (not CLJS)


It's better to just provide a link to the thread here since we've already started a discussion. No need to proliferate threads and risk people repeating the same things in different places.


OK, I put the link there.


For the benefit of any future searchers: I deleted the project-local shadow-cljs / Cider defaults storage file .dir-locals.el and restarted; it now works as expected, for some reason.

👍 1

FYI - .dir-locals.el isn't a 'defaults storage file' - it's file for user preferences. If they're there, it's because someone thought they were a good idea for the given project (which of course is subject to stop being true at any point)


The template's contents are pretty vanilla

((nil . ((cider-default-cljs-repl . shadow)
         (cider-shadow-cljs-default-options . "app"))))
"app" assumes your shadow build was named app - if it wasn't, that's the bug


User preferences are a form of defaults, are they not?


Yeah my bad, the wording confused me


Hey @U0AFX5QNN, thanks for letting us know. Are you able to reproduce the issue? I can't, so far. I pushed a small fix to dir-locals.el. I don't think it will fix this, but maybe.


It might - now that file is identical to (context - I've maintained a fair bit of this stuff in cider)


To try the fix: • Clear your maven cache: rm -r ~/.m2/repository/re-frame/lein-template • Make a fresh project: lein new re-frame my-repro +cider • Install packages: npm install • Go to the dir in emacs; M-x find-file my-repro • Accept the variables with ! when prompted • Jack in: M-x cider-jack-in-cljs • If the fix is in place, you shouldn't get any prompts in the minibuffer. It should just print a success message. • Kill the *cider-repl* buffer and try jacking in again?