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The latest version of re-frame-10x seems broken on Firefox, where it doesn’t load at all in a separate window and fails with the message

DOMException: Adopted style sheet's constructor document must match the document or shadow root's node document
    day8$re_frame_10x$tools$shadow_dom$attach_stylesheet shadow_dom.cljs:6
    day8$re_frame_10x$tools$shadow_dom$shadow_root       shadow_dom.cljs:18
    day8$re_frame_10x$navigation$views$mount             views.cljs:395
    <anonymous>                                          events.cljs:15


Hey, thanks for letting me know! Just making sure.. by latest version you mean 1.9.8, right? Also, for bugs this bad, I'd prefer if you make a github issue - just so I can get notified ASAP.


I don’t have a GitHub account, so I can’t file issues there. This is indeed with [re-frame-10x "1.9.8"] , running on Firefox version 123


I can't repro so far. Maybe check your tooling. attach_stylesheet doesn't exist in version 1.9.8. So you might still be running an older version somehow.