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Updated the We had a bug ( for over 5 years where re-frame-10x didn't show the first event. Now it's fixed. It was pretty easy to fix, too 😛 This must have been pretty confusing for new users. Now I think we can more confidently point them to this starting point:

lein new re-frame hello-world +10x
cd hello-world
npm install
npx shadow-cljs watch app
If you've used the template before, then you might want to clear your maven cache first, to ensure you get the latest template: rm -r ~/.m2/repository/re-frame/lein-template It's still the case that 10x will only start debugging your app after you open the panel for the first time. So if you start your app with the panel closed, you'll still get some missing events. This is intentional, though. It allows your app to run normally without 10x hogging resources. There's a new option in the re-frame-10x settings - Enable trace: (always/never/when the re-frame-10x panel is open). Just set it to always to reliably catch those events.

🙌 7
💕 2
Daniel Craig04:12:46

Thank you!!!

🌮 1