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Hello 👋 I’m seeing Subscribe was called outside of a reactive context being logged a tonne, those warning seem to originate from re-pressed ( (is there a way to selectively suppress those warnings? any other suggested solutions?)


We are a bit behind the latest re-pressed so apologies if that was fixed there, will update tomorrow to confirm—but looks like it’s not changed much compared to what we have


Sure thing! Do you know maybe how to handle situations when that warning originates from library code rather than application code?


@U7MHWDLD8 re-pressed was written before those warnings were added, so sorry for all the warnings! 😟 I am open to PRs if anyone here wants to submit a fix. I haven't used clojurescript in some time and not current on re-frame best practices anymore.


Hi @U0522BZ1R 🙂 No worries, that is of course 100% understandable! Just looking for a way to disable those for library code, I would think there should be a way 😉 🤞 We’re using re-pressed for so we might look into that if there is no other way

👌 2

Looking at the implementation on the re-frame side ( seems like (set! re-frame.interop/reactive? (constantly true)) could work—but maybe there is better way? `


I think that will cause a bug, but maybe you can use the re-frame.loggers namespace and remove one of the warning levels?


> Use set-loggers! to change these defaults


Hm, so you’re thinking about patching the warn logger with a function that inspects it’s arguments and filters out those particular messages? Am I understanding correctly?


Thanks BTW!


Yea that is what I was thinking