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Hello all, I'm having problems with CORS Policy using :http-xhrio and I know that using :with-credentials false works. How can I pass this configuration to the request? I tried using this:

{:http-xhrio {:with-credentials false ...}}
but it didn't work.


:with-credentials will only work when the server is explicitly set up to accept cross-origin requests. Also, I'm pretty sure that in order to enable this behavior on the client side, that attribute must be true, not false.


Is it valid to write a promise chain like this with dispatches inbetween?

(defn load-fn []
  (->> (fn-that-creates-promise+)
       (.then (fn [data]
                ;; Show a loading screen to the user
                (dispatch [:start-loading])
                ;; Start processing side-effect
                (start-long-process+ data+)))
       ;; data processing finished save result to db
       (.then (fn [data]
                (dispatch [:save-result data])))))


If it's in some effect - sure, seems reasonable.

👍 1