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Hey. is there a way to run re-frame (incl. 10x and tracing) with figwheel-main and deps.edn? I only found setup instrustructions for lein/shadow-cljs.


re-frame is just a library, including other tools. To the best of my knowledge, it doesn't depend on any specific build tool.


Correct. Although we use shadow-cljs ourselves and recommend shadow-cljs an incompatibility with a major currently supported build tool like figwheel-main would be considered a bug.


Nice, thanks, just didn’t find a way to do the shadow-cljs compiler options for the tracing in figwheel so I will stick with shadow. @U2FRKM4TW @U0G75S29H Reframe depends on reagent right? Or could I replace reagent with something like dumdom while still using all reframe features? I would like to remove react as a dependency.


Re-frame directly depends on Reagent and is impossible to use without it. Some details here:


Interresting discussion. After years of working with hooks I fully agree with you. Thats also why I wanted to go for dumdom. I hope the react team won’t at one point only support hooks.


What version if react do you then recommend to set in a reframe project?


When using Reagent, you don't have to worry about hooks at all, unless some NPM library uses them - you can just not use them yourself. A particular re-frame version depends on a specific Reagent version which, in turn, depends on a specific React version. Just choose those versions accordingly.


Ah I read that reagent is switching to hooks as well


A recent version has made it possible to use them for the user of Reagent. But no, Reagent doesn't switch to hooks.


so the new :f> and :r> shouldn’t be used when using reframe?


They can be used. Whether they should be or not - depends on what your use-case it. Re-frame doesn't care about them at all. Whatever works in Reagent, will work in re-frame.

👍 3
AJ Jaro13:05:35

We use re-frame and 10x with figwheel, yep


@UGMAVSMUM Nice. I switched to tailwind JIT which required shadow-cljs. Otherwise I would use figwheel-main as well.

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