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Hello i have question
(fn [db [_ response]]
(update-in db [:user :auth] #(merge % (js->clj response)))))
(fn [db [_ response]]
(assoc db :error response)))
(fn [{:keys [url method opts on-success on-failure parse-body]}]
(let [http-fn (case method
:post http/post
:get http/get
:put http/put
:delete http/delete)
res (<! (http-fn url opts))
{:keys [status success body]} res]
(if success
(rf/dispatch [on-success (parse-body body)])
(rf/dispatch [on-failure (parse-body body)]))))))
(fn [_ [_ email old-pass new-pass]]
{:http {:method :post
:url ""
:opts {:json-params {:device-id "069d1b0f4cef43abfa27cc0212c8e416"}}
:on-success :auth/process-response
:on-failure :auth/bad-response
:parse-body #(js->clj (js/JSON.parse %) :keywordize-keys true)}}
when :auth/process-response
happens i need to trigger one more event but i am not sure how to do it other than have
(do (rf/dispatch [:auth/process-response body])
(rf/dispatch [:new-event (:data-i-need body)]))
but this seems not very re-framey
how can i do this properly?
i want to trigger new event after success is done. Should that be done in this fashion?
and auth/process-response
would look like ?
(fn [cofx [_ response]]
{:db (update-in db [:user :auth] #(merge % (js->clj response)))
:dispatch [:new-event (:data-i-need response)]}))
You almost got it. If you don't need anything but the db
in the inner fn, then you can just write {db :db}
instead of cofx
. Right now in your code cofx
is unused and db
is unresolved.
so basically
(fn [{db :db} [_ response]]
{:db (update-in db [:user :auth] #(merge % (js->clj response)))
:dispatch [:new-event (:data-i-need response)]}))
?@U2FRKM4TW i've got one more if it's not a big trouble for u?
this is new-event
from previous code
(fn [data]
(let [
command {:command-id (str (random-uuid))
:command-type "abc}]
(ws/send command))))
and i am sending this command using websockets
my question is should this be reg-fx
and then i would do
(fn [{db :db} [_ response]]
{:db (update-in db [:user :auth] #(merge % (js->clj response)))
:ws/send response}))
or is it ok to leave it like reg-event-fx
?It's not OK to leave it like reg-event-fx
. Also, apart from just employing a wrong concept, your event handler function arity is incorrect. It should be [data _]
instead of just [data]
ok so the final combo is
(fn [data]
(let [
command {:command-id (str (random-uuid))
:command-type "abc"
(ws/send command))))
(fn [{db :db} [_ response]]
{:db (update-in db [:user :auth] #(merge % (js->clj response)))
:ws/send response}))
Hi! I just installed the "1.0.0-rc2" version and now I'm getting the message: goog.require could not find: re_frame.settings
How naughty is it to use app-db in a react lifecycle method? My use case is in a component-did-update handler and I'd like to check for some state in the app-db. I could simply dispatch and event and check within the event but that pollutes the event log with (potentially lots) of noise.
@kenny that would be pretty bad. :-)
In a view, you should use subscribe
for data in app-db
Perhaps use an inner/outer arrangement:
if you need to shuffle in values as propos for use in lifecycle methods
Erm, this is not exactly in a view. It's kind of a weird use case stemming from a potentially poor design decision. Without going into too much detail... A component declares a EQL query to get data from the server when it loads. The decision to fetch data or not can be a complex set of rules. Thus far, the rules have been based on data available within the props of a component. Now I have a use case where those rules need to depend on something in app-db. An option is to keep this particular piece of state in a separate atom itself. I don't like that solution since I tend to want to keep all related data together.
I think mike is suggesting to pass it in as props instead of using the app-db in the lifecycle method