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highly possible this has been asked before, but is there any re-frame add-on that could spit out a subscription graph as graphviz?
Is there a documented solution for Warning: unmountComponentAtNode(): The node you're attempting to unmount was rendered by another copy of React
? I’m using reagent 0.8.1, 0.10.8, and 0.4.2, 0.1.0, and 0.5.1
@atticmaverick Well, you could do this without even using an interceptor..
You just need one condition in :try-different-server
to either dispatch again with a different uri
or to handle the failure as you want:
(fn [{db :db} [_ uri]]
{:method :post
:uri uri
:params {}
:response-format "foo"
:format "bar"
:on-success [:success]
:on-failure [:try-different-server]}}))
(fn [_ _]
"do what you want"))
(fn [{db :db} _]
(if (:second-attempt-fired? db)
{:db (assoc db :error "both servers failed")}
{:db (assoc db :second-attempt-fired? true)
:dispatch [:http-post (:server-b-uri db)]})))
If you can't help but using an interceptor a solution would be this:
(def replay-event
:id :replay-event
:after (fn [context]
(when (get-in context [:effects :db :fire-second?])
(-> context
(assoc-in [:effects :dispatch] [:http-post])
(assoc-in [:effects :db :uri] "/new-uri")
(assoc-in [:effects :db :fired-twice?] true))))))
(fn [{db :db} _]
(let [uri (:uri db)]
{:method :post
:uri uri
:params {}
:response-format (ajax/transit-request-format)
:format (ajax/transit-request-format)
:on-success [:success]
:on-failure [:try-different-server]}})))
(fn [_ _]
"do what you want"))
(fn [{db :db} _]
(when-not (:fired-twice? db)
{:db (assoc db :fire-second? true)})))