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hi guys,
I have a simple cell grid (say 100 * 100) using a <table>
which I want to change and update say every 50ms. So I trigger an event every 50ms which updates the grid.
It seems to me that I can't get this rate of animation. It's slowed down. relevant code:
(ns ant.views
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[ant.subs :as subs]
[ :as ev]
(defn main-panel []
(let [grid (re-frame/subscribe [::subs/grid])]
(into [:table {:style {:border "1px solid red"}}]
(for [row @grid]
(into [:tr]
(for [cell row]
[:td {:width "5px" :height "5px"
:style {:backgroundColor (if (= cell 1) "black" "white")}}]))))))
(defn dispatch-timer-event
(let [now (js/Date.)]
(re-frame/dispatch [::ev/timer now])))
(defonce do-timer (js/setInterval dispatch-timer-event 50))
returns a vector of vectors with dimensions 100*100.
What can I do to improve performance in such a case? Should I drop re-frame event flow and just manipulate js directly?It might be related to
Side note: js/setInterval
can be moved to effect.
Or something like
Hello guys, i'm at situation which has multiple dropdown menus which is depending on each other, so based on the option i select on dropdown#1 i load suitable data into dropdown#2, i was able to creating New model from this type of form, but Editing isn't straightforward, what do you guys suggest ?
Edit the dropdown menus with the data
suppose i have 2 dropdown menus and the second dropdown data depend on the first, when i select option from dd#1 i got data loaded into dd#2
now i have both selected data of dd#1 and dd#2
is it straightforward to load these values ad default with data for both dd#1 and dd#2
i always get dd#2 empty
because i need to select any values from dd#1 to get data loaded
i'm not sure if you got what i mean
got it guys
my code actually do it but there was a simple bug and i have fixed and everything works