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hello everyone! may u help me... i'm trying to use re-frame-10x with shadow-cljs... after adding all dependencies, the compiler is showing some warnings.. could you help me please?

------ WARNING #1 --------------------------------------------------------------
 File: mranderson048/re_frame/v0v10v2/re_frame/events.cljc:61:11
  58 |       (if *handling*
  59 |         (console :error "re-frame: while handling \"" *handling* "\", dispatch-sync was called for \"" event-v "\". You can't call dispatch-sync within an event handler.")
  60 |         (binding [*handling*  event-v]
  61 |           (trace/with-trace {:operation event-id
 Use of undeclared Var
  62 |                              :op-type   kind
  63 |                              :tags      {:event event-v}}
  64 |             (interceptor/execute event-v interceptors)))))))
  65 | 

------ WARNING #2 --------------------------------------------------------------
 File: mranderson048/re_frame/v0v10v2/re_frame/subs.cljc:48:29
  45 |   (let [cache-key [query-v dynv]]
  46 |     ;; when this reaction is no longer being used, remove it from the cache
  47 |     (add-on-dispose! r #(do (swap! query->reaction dissoc cache-key)
  48 |                             (trace/with-trace {:operation (first-in-vector query-v)
 Use of undeclared Var
  49 |                                                :op-type   :sub/dispose
  50 |                                                :tags      {:query-v  query-v
  51 |                                                            :reaction (reagent-id r)}}
  52 |                               nil)))

------ WARNING #3 --------------------------------------------------------------
 File: mranderson048/re_frame/v0v10v2/re_frame/subs.cljc:111:4
 108 |   "
 109 | 
 110 |   ([query]
 111 |    (trace/with-trace {:operation (first-in-vector query)
 Use of undeclared Var
 112 |                       :op-type   :sub/create
 113 |                       :tags      {:query-v query}}
 114 |      (if-let [cached (cache-lookup query)]
 115 |        (do
why these warnings? in shadow-cljs.end i've:
:dependencies [
                [re-frame "0.10.5"]
                [ "0.3.3-react16"]


I've found that the issue started as version 2.7 of shadow-cljs


after i've downgrade to 2.6.23, the issue is gone